Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #89

I've been reduced to posting memes. Or nothing at all. I'm so f*cking tired of looking at his face, and hearing his dumbass voice, trying to sound like he knows what he's talking about.

I'm going to forge ahead until day 100, but...yuck. My time would be so much better well spent doing something else. Anything else.

Hopefully he will be impeached soon. Everybody hates him. He's bigly horrible.

Can't wait until this sh*t is over.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #88

From Tuesday, April 18th.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #87

From Monday, April 17th.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #86

From Sunday, April 16th.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #85

From Saturday, April 15th.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #84

From Friday, April 14th.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #83

From Thursday, April 13th.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #82

From Wednesday, April 12th.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #81

From Tuesday, April 11th.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #76


Jessica Taylor and Tom Bowman write for NPR: "L'Orange orders Syrian airstrikes after 'Assad choked out the lives' of civilians." And: "President L'Orange has launched airstrikes in Syria in response to deadly chemical attacks allegedly ordered by the country's president, Bashar Assad, against his own people."

"'Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched,' the president announced from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., where he is meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. 'It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.'"

"The decision to launch airstrikes Thursday evening was a departure for L'Orange, who has been slow to embrace an interventionist foreign policy. The chemical attack has been seen as a key test of L'Orange's leadership on the world stage."

Katelyn Kivel writes for Resistance Report: "Rand Paul: L'Orange violated constitution with Syria missile strike." And: "Following L'Orange's cruise missile strikes on Syria, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) accused the President of violating the Constitution."

"Kentucky’s junior senator is likely referring to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution, which states, 'The Congress shall have power to… declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.' While President L'Orange hasn’t officially declared war on Syria, international law scholar Mary Ellen O’Connell, of the University of Notre Dame, told The Guardian that L'Orange's attack on Syria is an act of reprisal, and is at least a violation of international law, if not the Constitution."

"Sen. Paul may have also been implying that Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF) law, which Congress passed in 2001, was ignored in L'Orange's launching of tomahawk cruise missiles on the Syrian air base in Homs province. The Kentucky senator went on to say that American intervention in the region has not made America safer, and Syria will be no different."

Camila Domonoske and Merrit Kennedy write for NPR: "House Intelligence chairman Devin Nunes to step aside from Russian probe." And: "House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes says he is temporarily stepping aside from the committee's probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, as the House Ethics Committee opens an inquiry into whether he improperly disclosed classified information."

"Nunes will continue to serve as the committee's chairman and remain involved in other matters before the panel. Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, will take the lead on the Russia investigation."

"Allegations that Nunes mishandled classified information center on a controversial press conference late last month, when he described intelligence that he says showed routine, legal surveillance of foreign individuals accidentally picked up conversations with or about associates of President L'Orange."

And lastly:

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #75

From Wednesday, April 5th.