Friday, January 12, 2018

My Father was a Badass

My Father was a Badass, born in 1921.
My Poppa was a Badass;
World War II Veteran.
My Daddy, he would be aghast
if he were around to see
the complete and utter mess
we have made of democracy. 

My Father was a Badass,
Electrical Engineer.
My Poppa was a Badass;
secret missions at Hughes 
My Daddy, he would be aghast
if he were alive to see
the blatantly unruly test
of this twisted demagoguery. 

Fear-mongering, race-baiting, soul-sucking kleptocracy.
Gas-lighting, pathologically lying conglomeration monopoly.
Mind-f*cking, Fake-Newsing,
Orangutan-run total lunacy.
Demented, cemented,
stuck-in-the-Mud autocracy. 

My Father was a Badass,
a cattle-ranching Texan.
My Poppa was a Badass;
he would stand with those who’ve been hexin’
the patriarchy as it stands
on a canopy of flowers over Hell.
My Daddy, he would be aghast
at all the little-boy men in their little boy pants. 

My Dad would bust a gasket,
roll over in his casket
If he had one,
but he’s got none
to contain him,
who could blame him
if he persisted and resisted? 

Fear-mongering, race-baiting, soul-sucking kleptocracy.
Gas-lighting, pathologically lying conglomeration monopoly.
Mind-f*cking, Fake-Newsing,
Orangutan-run total lunacy.
Demented, cemented,
stuck-in-the-Mud autocracy. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bud and Violet, or Lots of Flowers in the Garden

Bud is in love with flowers! He loves everything about them...their scent, their shape, the way they stand up straight in the sunlight and vie for his attention; it satisfies him on a soul-level. Bud is in reverie.
Violet is in love with this flower-obsessed man. (Bad idea. Not good.) She contemplates him, as he contemplates his latest freshly-picked flower. Violet has (finally) reached the end of her vine.

Words & photo by Linda Benskin