Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hippie Canyon Vintage Voicings: I Have a Job...But Do I Have a Future?

My friend Chris dropped by the store in the later afternoon, yesterday. He sailed through the doorway, with sunlight and dappled leaf shadows streaming in behind him and all around him. "Linda!" he called out. I walked towards the warmth of his voice, not knowing for sure who he was at first because he was submerged in golden afternoon light pools and reflections. I approached him cautiously, as I approach everyone, and when I saw his face clearly, ran into his arms. Sweet man.

He arrived with a message (after brief small talk): "Follow your passion, and everything else will fall into place." I believe him. It seems like the wisest, soundest advice.

A salty old woman came in the store yesterday, too. She told me she was studying Excel, because "everyone wants it". Yuck. Why does everyone want it? I don't. I told her that I was taking a class in Excel, also, but I'm bored out of my mind. My ass starts to get numb in my chair just thinking about it.

My friend Chris stood in the afternoon light, and held my hands inside his hands. "Linda," he said to me, "If you got a job in a small, or large office somewhere, with no windows and no doors and did Excel all day every day inside a tiny cubicle you would end up putting a bullet through your head." I'm afraid he's right. What a relief. Absolution from an angel.

Is Excel the key to my future? But my future as what? A drone-y clone? I'm sure there are lots of exciting things to be done with it, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. I will contemplate it further, to see if I come up with any.

Chris floated out the door on a wafting afternoon cloud with his friend. "Goodbye, my love...I'm off to take a nap!"

The day, and my future, blossomed around me in the hazy, dancing light, with no computers, and especially no Excel in sight.


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