Monday, May 25, 2015

The Yoga Ladder of Success

You've climbed The Yoga Ladder of Success, one rung at a time.
You've envisioned your photo in the corporate headquarters
Gallery of Superstars, placed alongside the ancient ones.
You bring your switch to class, tucked in the corner -- a reminder
to your students that you are the one in control; this is yours.
You rose up from the ashes, reinvented yourself: new name,
the right clothes, the right pose, the posturing, gesticulating,
judging and pointing out the flaws with that handy little switch.
Your ego is over-sized, Super-Sized, at the McDonald's
of yoga studios, a chain reaction, money-maker.
It's all about the numbers and staying on top of your game
with retreats, photo shoots, partnered sponsorships, on-line presence.
You've climbed The Yoga Ladder of Success! You have arrived, Girl!
You have assimilated the rhetoric for so long now
that you truly believe it: "Yoga has changed my life!" you spout.
And it has. And with your drive, your ambition, tenacity,
you may change the course of Yoga, one new student at a time.

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