Saturday, May 30, 2020

Rancho Tarzanadu: "Looting and Shooting"

     Miss Linda had been having fantasies of burning Overlord L’Orange effigy-style, like in the 1973 movie The Wicker Man. In fact, it seemed that most authority figures might benefit from this ritual as they were all acting outside of their so-called boundaries and jurisdiction.
     A police officer in Minneapolis murdered George Floyd, a black man, four days ago in broad daylight, and was arrested today. There had been protests all over the country, and the Overlord had the audacity to f*cking tweet: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Seriously, f*ck you.
     The death toll from COVID-19 was 101,618 as of this moment in the United States. Governors were getting death threats from backwoods idiots with guns if they didn’t get their “liberty to go make money for ‘the man’.” They were literally so stupid, they were acting against their own best interest and lining themselves up at the chopping block. The Overlord did say he “loves the poorly educated”. And boy, did they love him back.
     The Overlord was still pushing for everyone to “get back to work” and die for the economy, grasping at straws for reelection, while the country literally burned from riots all around him, in the middle of a pandemic that he helped create through lack of action and any real guidance.
     Miss Linda was *done*.
     Done being polite.
     Done with keeping her mouth shut.
     Done with doing what she was told by so-called people in charge.
     She was dusting off her combat boots at this very moment, with a bottle of whiskey on the side and pen in hand (which we all know is mightier than the sword).
     She did have the same Meyers-Briggs personality type as Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. Time to start utilizing it.

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