Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lucid Dreaming (Part Deux)

The light switch wouldn't turn on (always my first clue). It usually takes me a few seconds to realize it, and sometimes I have to check more than one light to make sure. Then comes that rush of feeling, like sailing down a rollercoaster ramp at top speed; I know I'm dreaming, and am aware of it. With this comes total freedom, but I usually restrain myself out of fear of the unknown.

I decide to throw caution to the wind tonight, and walk through the sliding glass door onto my balcony. I watch myself walk through it like a knife through butter, see my hands and feet appear on the other side. I walked through with a little too much force, however, and immediately launch myself off the edge of the balcony, to focus on my flying skills before I have time to contemplate it. I have the thought, and it happens; mind-bocy coordination.

I fly thrillingly over the backyard for a few seconds, before thinking too much (always my downfall). When I start to freak out about flying, I fall splat on the ground and wake up.

Next time I need to focus on flying with confidence, and eradicate the fear somehow in order to go further.

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