Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Race

"You will win the race!" Sheila affirmed.

"But I have a broken leg from the last race..." Stan 'The Man' Johnson replied.

"No matter! You've been putting too much weight on this broken bone! All in your head! Fly like the wind!"


"No 'butts'; just do! You do like you doo-doo: because you have to! No more questions; off you go!"

Stan 'The Man' Johnson hobbled over to his race car and hesitantly got inside.

"Are you sure?!" he asked.

"Yes! Yes! Don't be such a pansy! Go! Go!"

Stan 'The Man' Johnson sped away as fast as he could go. At the first curve, his car overturned and burst into flames.

"Well," Sheila said to herself. "You win some, and you lose some; that's life."

Stan 'The Man' Johnson's spirit swirled around her for a moment in a fog-like mist, and then was gone.

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