Thursday, February 10, 2011

Strange Creatures that go 'Screech!' in the Night

A woman was very tired. Sleepy, but strangely wired too. She had fantasized about sleep for days, catching bits and pieces here and there, moving about in a slightly unexplainable trance-like state, and she was greatly looking forward to her bed and private dreamtime lollygagging.

All the elements were in line; dark, quiet, clean, rain on the way. And purring cats. All of them ready for sleep. Solitude.
But a wild screeching creature was outside the open window, cackling madly. "Screeeeeech! Screeeech!" it cawed loudly, rude and spiteful. "Screeeeeech! Screeeeech!"
"What the fuck is that?!" her gold tomcat asked, disgruntled.
"I don't know..." she replied, exhausted.
"Screeeeech! Screeeeech!" the creature in the dark called out.
"You have got to be kidding me!" her black cat said, and jumped off the bed to get a closer look.
The other two followed to the window, and looked out, searching in the blackness for the screecher.
"I don't see anything..." the woman said, half asleep.
"Look, there!" gold tom said. "In the tree!"
They all looked, and saw a flapping winged creature, flying aimlessly and awkwardly in an uneven circle, and screeching wildly.
"It's a bat!" little black cat said.
"You're right, it is a bat," said the woman.
They stood and watched it for a long time, flapping its wings and flying around in a circle, yelping out sporadically.
They finally tired of this, and shut the window, and went to bed.
They had fitful, screeching dreams, but woke up to a peaceful day, full of sparrows and songbirds, and little yellow roses.

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