Monday, March 20, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #59

Happy Spring Equinox!

Travis Gettys writes for Raw Story: "L'Orange is acting like a cornered animal on Twitter this morning: what about Clinton and the Russians?" And: "President L'Orange lashed out Monday morning on Twitter ahead of the FBI director’s testimony before a House panel on his campaign’s alleged ties to Russia."

"The president started tweeting at 6:35 a.m. by denouncing the allegations, which are under investigation by the House Intelligence Committee, as 'fake news.'”

"Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, has said he found no evidence of collusion between L'Orange's campaign and Russia, but the committee’s ranking Democrat said Sunday that circumstantial evidence suggested collusion and direct evidence showed deception."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "This Republican just told CNN L'Orange isn't 'intellectually qualified' to be President." And: "There’s a bigger issue, whether this president is intellectually qualified to be President of the United States.”

"I think [L'Orange is] learning about his own health care bill listening to you and Chris in the morning. He does not practice in details, nor understands the finer points of domestic or foreign policy."

"When he throws out a wiretap charge, what does that mean? We know he’s lying about that, but he doesn’t understand what a FISA [Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act] court is. He doesn’t understand that he just made an allegation of a felony, he doesn’t understand that he’s crippling the United States on a world stage. That speaks to more than credibility, that speaks to intellect.”

And lastly:

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