Sunday, March 19, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #57

From Saturday, March 18th:

A post that's going around Facebook: "Immediately after the election L'Orange transition spokesman Jason Miller explained that Melania would be staying in New York because there was 'obviously a sensitivity to pulling out a 10-year-old in the middle of the school year'.

We have since learned that the cost of security for Melania and Barron to remain at L'Orange Tower is $183 million/year. There is also no indication that they will actually move to DC this summer. So in essence the Federal government is giving the L'Orange family a $183 million annual voucher so Barron can attend the elite private prep school of his choice."

Meanwhile, we learned last night that L'Orange's budget would completely eliminate funding for the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA, with an annual budget of only $148 million, is able to provide seed money for arts programming in literally every Congressional district in the country.
So, on the one hand you have a $183 million school voucher for a single 10-year-old at an elite private school. On the other hand you have a program that impacts arts and cultural programming throughout the entire nation."

"NOT NORMAL. #Resist
Please cut, paste, and share.

Posted by Occupy Democrats (no author shown): "Remember when L'Orange said he wasn't going to take a salary? He just accepted his second paycheck."

"Remember when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall? He has asked Congress to appropriate the $25 billion of taxpayer money to cover costs."

"Remember when he said he wasn't going to go on vacation or play golf? 5 of the last 7 weekends he went on vacation and played golf, costing taxpayers $11.1 million."

"Remember when he said he was going to use American steel to build these dangerous pipelines? Russian steel arrived last week for the Keystone Pipeline XL."

"Remember when he said he wasn't going to cut social security and Medicare? The Republican bill does just this."

"Remember when he said that nobody on his campaign had any communications with the Russian government? 7 of his people have now admitted they spoke and/or met with Russian officials, after they lied and got caught."

"Remember when he said he was going to divest from his businesses? He changed his mind."

"Remember when he said he was going to release his tax returns? He changed his mind."

"Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp of Washington insiders? His cabinet is filled with lobbyists, oil and Wall Street executives."

"Remember when he said he would defeat ISIS in 30 days? He doesn't have a plan. But his administration just mistakenly bombed a mosque in Syria killing 57 innocent people who were in the act of peacefully praying instead of the intended target. Not to mention the botched raid that killed a serviceman and little children he ordered and didn't even have the respect to disrupt his dinner to oversee."

"Remember when he said that the Obamacare replacement would cover more people at lower cost? The AHCA that the GOP and 45 are now pushing; they now admit will cover fewer people at a higher cost."

"If you voted for him, please hold him accountable to what he promised you - for all of our sakes."

And lastly:

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