Saturday, April 30, 2022

Meat Box

One of your sponsors
sells boxes of meat.
You tell your audience:
“You can customize your box any way you want.”
Images flood my mind –
no escape.
Custom boxes
of meat.
Purchased dead flesh
delivered by postal express.
You choose the parts;
“humanely” butchered.
Drawling in your Southern accent:
“Mouth-wateringly delicious!”
This is normal;
little meat coffins.
Distanced from the knife,
flash-frozen, pre-packaged;
endless boxes
of meat.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

If only
I could get up early
my entire life would change,
the self-help Gurus tell me.
to Early-Bird
when all the worms are squirming,
dying to be caught.
my natural rhythms
to conquer the world;
the dark of night is fantastical,
smoke and mirrors.
Daylight hours
ruled by the Sun,
the Go-Getters,
Late-night hours
ruled by the Moon,
lounging around in kimonos
spending time ill-advisedly.
“All you need to do
is rise by 5:00 AM
to turn the world upside-down
and make all your dreams
a reality” they say.
I listen to my motivational audiobooks
late into the night,
studying them in the wee hours,
falling asleep from exhaustion
just before Sunrise,
and dream
about the first day of the rest of my life.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Moon Images

I post Moon images
every two weeks...
it’s the least
and the most
I could do
for the last year-and-four-and-a-half-months
that you’ve been gone.
No songwriting,
no jewelry-making,
no poems or short stories,
no novels or piano,
no schemes or grand ideas...
just Moon images.
They were enough,
and almost too much.
Marking the time in two-week intervals.
Cloistered away
from Covid-19
in my newly inherited house;
the perfect retreat for my grief
to settle in, make itself at home.
The Moon has always been reliable;
it waxes and wanes
and doesn’t ask any questions
or make any demands
or seek reasons why...
it just is.
The familiar owl
hoots outside my window
at 4:30 AM,
ushering the full Moon’s rise
You died on a full Moon;
I sat next to you under its spotlight,
I feel the Moon ties us together,
but that could just be
the mute poet in me, searching for meaning
in the natural
the Moon rises
without explanation.
Ensconced in a black cloak,
fully supported.
I break my self-imposed silence.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Omicron Cyber Monday!

Omicron Cyber Monday!
The Omicron variant is spreading fast!
Don’t wait — get your Cyber Monday deals while you still can!
Hurry — before the economy collapses, or before you die!
Get great deals on clothing, electronics, beauty products, self-help courses, vacuum cleaners — before Omicron
sucks the life right out of you!
Don’t delay; time is running out!
It’s later than you think...much, much later.
Buy now, while deals last, and you’re still alive!
Don’t get left behind like Travel-banned countries!

Act now, before Omicron comes for you! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Witching Hour

The night is shattered into pieces
by Mocking Birds
and sirens,
daemons past and future.
My tinnitus rings in the same key as the crickets
warbled song.
3:00 AM: so many sounds competing for my attention
behind closed eyes.
The Witching Hour.
It’s both too late and too early.
The dead of night is bustling,
like the inside of my head.
Dancing rapid-fire
in black petticoats;
Whiling Dervishes.
Noises and thoughts bleed into one another
while slowly dying down,
transforming into a weighted blanket
flattening and blacking everything out.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Why Are There so Many 'Life Coaches'?

are there so many “Life Coaches”?
Scrambling over each other like crabs in a pot.
can your Botoxed lips inform my life?
I want to look away, but it’s nearly impossible;
transfixed by your train wreck.
You’re always here,
creeping around corners and sticking your head where it doesn’t belong.
You didn’t even go to an accredited university;
licensed from the back pages of a New Age Magazine.
Cry yourself to sleep — just leave me alone!
I have an actual therapist with a PhD,
and I don’t want to buy any of your crap “Masterclass” courses
even at discounted rates.
Get a real job!
Or be a legitimate out-of-work artist.
Just stop claiming that you can “fix” my life
when you obviously know nothing about anything.
Stop senselessly backflipping.
I almost feel sorry for you,
until I remember who you are:
Grifting off other people’s pain.
in hoards, en masse.
Fix yourselves!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Infinite Sadness of the World

The infinite sadness of the world fills me with a warm glow;
an enormous fire inside me
surrounded by snow.
The flames don’t leap out — I’m a self-contained oven,
like all the other ovens,
minding their own hot coals.
The snow feels thick,
like marshmallows,
heavy damp clouds,
hugging in the warmth,
buffering the edges,
maintaining and containing.
The dichotomy of this hotness/coldness
creates its own atmosphere,
something neither hot or cold,
encompassing all the feelings,
beyond feeling.
Feeling everything at once,
feeling loses its meaning,
like freezing to death while going up in flames simultaneously.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

You are a Ghost Somewhere

You were so beautiful...
until you lost your mind and fucked-up your face forever,
when there was nothing wrong with it in the first place.
You were always a nervous wreck,
vibrating and gyrating at such a high pitch
only certain animals could hear it.
All the men were too dumb for you,
dragging their knuckles on the pavement while their tongues lolled out;
you loved them this way,
but only obsessed over the highly critical ones,
the ones you could never please.
I was invisible beside you,
quiet and observing,
equally mesmerized by your beauty and power,
your wit and intelligence
and your tendency to jump into the deep end dragging everyone with you.
The first day I met you,
you climbed a ladder on the side of a Los Angeles building
wearing pink high heels while balancing a cocktail in one hand — be still, my heart!
I was just as stricken as those dumb apes
(including my boyfriend)
by your charms.
When I found out you could make me laugh,
there was no turning back.
You inspired me to think Big
and burst at my own seams with the wholeness of me.
But when you lost your face,
you lost everything.
Not because you were no longer beautiful,
but because your heart dried up like a raisin
inside an empty husk.
Everything vanished
when the appeal of your own selfies disappeared,
because your image was the core
upon which everything was based.
What was the point of doing anything,
since your own reflection no longer inspired you
but endlessly disappointed you from here to eternity?
You still had your words
but they stopped.
You still had your art
but it stopped.
You still had your songs
but you stopped.
Everything died with your new unimproved face.
My dreams grew bigger and more pronounced
consistently unaffected by my own face,
accustomed to being ancillary.
You are a ghost somewhere,
though still alive,
tormented by vanity and regret,
the only things ever capable of silencing you.
I forge on,
not as beautiful...never as beautiful,
but mostly complete.