Sunday, April 17, 2022

Moon Images

I post Moon images
every two weeks...
it’s the least
and the most
I could do
for the last year-and-four-and-a-half-months
that you’ve been gone.
No songwriting,
no jewelry-making,
no poems or short stories,
no novels or piano,
no schemes or grand ideas...
just Moon images.
They were enough,
and almost too much.
Marking the time in two-week intervals.
Cloistered away
from Covid-19
in my newly inherited house;
the perfect retreat for my grief
to settle in, make itself at home.
The Moon has always been reliable;
it waxes and wanes
and doesn’t ask any questions
or make any demands
or seek reasons why...
it just is.
The familiar owl
hoots outside my window
at 4:30 AM,
ushering the full Moon’s rise
You died on a full Moon;
I sat next to you under its spotlight,
I feel the Moon ties us together,
but that could just be
the mute poet in me, searching for meaning
in the natural
the Moon rises
without explanation.
Ensconced in a black cloak,
fully supported.
I break my self-imposed silence.

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