Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lucid Dreaming

I realized I was dreaming, the same way I always do (when I'm able to, that is).

I 'woke up' in my dream and looked at the clock, which was flashing '12:00', as if there had been a power outage. That's the first sign. The next is trying to turn on my bedside lamp, or any light switch in the house, which won't turn on. That's when I know I'm in deep, and I can do whatever I want to do, if I choose to. If I'm not afraid.

Sometimes I get so freaked out by having the power to control my dream that I wake myself up. Sometimes I get freaked out, and can't wake myself up. Fighting against the present moment of a lucid state.

I've been feeling hypersensitive lately, for various reasons, and have been lucid dreaming two or three times per week, which is a perk I didn't expect, but it makes sense. If a person is feeling hypersensitive in the physical world, it seems like the nocturnal, inner world of the dream state would be affected, too. One mechanism; the body and the brain, the emotional and the physical.

In this particular dream, I made a decision to get past my fear and do what I wanted to do in the dream (fly around my backyard like a bird, dance like a ballerina in mid-air, swim in the sky). I have a balcony on the second floor of my house, and walked out onto the balcony and dove off. I tried not to over-think it, which is probably what I would do in 'real life', but walked onto the balcony and dove off like I was diving into a pool. Instead of falling, I sailed through the air. And once I was doing that, why couldn't I control my flight? Some parts were a little rocky, but I was able to manipulate my actions enough to keep from falling flat on my face. Good to know for future lucid states. Hopefully next time I will be more comfortable and confident to fly even further.

I'm sure my next flight will be even more exciting, and I'm looking forward to it! My next goal is to fly over the city of Los Angeles.

Secret messages in dreams. I am a believer.

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