Monday, May 27, 2019

Rancho Tarzanadu: "Miss Linda Confers with Her Online Witch's Group"

   Miss Linda decided to write to her online Witch’s Facebook group to ask for advice in dealing with the spirit inside her house. She wrote: “Just curious…let’s say you turned around in your house (with ‘good vibes’) and inadvertently stuck your hand inside some plasmic goo, mid-air, about chest level. What then?”
     Their answers were varied.
     The first response was a GIF of a well-built man pointing and gesticulating, wearing a snugly-fitting white T-shirt, and covered in dripping green slime – obviously meant as a joke.
     Another replied: “You should probably take it easy on the drugs for a few days.” (Miss Linda hit the “thumbs-down” button in response to this.)
     And there was just: “Gross!”
     Another answered: “Say Gesundheit, and offer a tissue?”
     “Wait and see what happens…just because weird sh*t is happening doesn’t mean it’s bad. You don’t know until you know.” (Miss Linda hit the “thumbs-up” button for this one.)
     “Request Z-Pak from the doctor.” (Thumbs-down.)
     And: “I guess say hello and introduce yourself politely, just in case.” (Thumbs-up.)
     “I’m gellin’, you gellin’?”
     “I’d shield, ground, quiet myself, and reach out for communication.” (Thumbs-up.)
     Lastly: “Rotate ninety degrees.” Miss Linda was frankly still trying to wrap her head around that one. If she rotated plasmic goo ninety degrees, wouldn’t she be spreading it, or amplifying it? That could get messy.
     Miss Linda obviously liked some of the answers more than others, but decided to contemplate them all, just to cover her bases. As it was her first time in dealing with a spirit up close and personal, she wanted to make sure she did not act too rashly.

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