Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citzen, Installment #11

There's so much sh*t going on, it's hard to keep track of it all.

I'm sure that's part of the governmental mindf*ck.

It's just one blow after another.

So depressing. I'm sure they want us all to retreat back to our "normal" lives, but that is not possible anymore. Think I'm being melodramatic? Read on.

News of the day (roughly the last twenty-four hours): S.S. Spice-her stated that "...it would be misguided and wrong" to not handcuff a five-year-old child at Washington D.C.'s Dulles International Airport. As it turns out, the little boy was a U.S. citizen. Whoops! Awkward!

The Democrats are boycotting confirmation votes for Overlord L'Orange's nominees.

Betsy-Wetsy DeVacant wants to use American schools to build "God's Kingdom". Sigh.

Budweiser "trolled" L'Orange in a Super Bowl ad, which is reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

Articles about "How to spot a Narcissist" are everywhere.

Articles also abound about taking care of yourself emotionally and physically in order to fight the Resistance and not burn out.

Is our 'Checks and Balances' system working? Ummm...no.

Lawmakers in ten states have proposed legislation to criminalize peaceful protest. Are you freaking kidding me with this sh*t?

GQ is saying that L'Orange is too dumb to do anything, and Sssss Ban'em is the one jerking the Overlord's chain. They both look like Death warmed over.

Keith Olbermann apologized to the world for "Traitor Trump". He got so choked up he had tears in his eyes. At least someone still has feelings!

A rogue group of staffers is Tweeting secrets from the White House. And they are f*cking hilarious and frightening at the same time. The gist of them is that the Overlord is completely overwhelmed and losing his sh*t right and left. (But mostly right.)

A Holocaust Museum poster on "warning signs of Fascism" went viral.

According to an advisor to the Overlord,  the environmental movement is "the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in the modern world." Too exhausted to comment on this one right now.

K.A. Conwoman said that reporters who "talked smack" about L'Orange should be fired. I hope she rots in Hell, where she crawled out from.

The African Union condemns the U.S. for "taking our people as slaves, but not as refugees". Hello?!

And lastly, a Nixon White House lawyer called L'Orange's firing of acting Attorney General Yates "a new low". There is a new low every few minutes, it seems.

And the sad part is, I am not kidding about any of this, and there is so much more that is going on, but as you can see it's hard to process it all.

Thank you, Russia, for the Vodka!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #10

The Overlord had a meltdown early this morning (again) and blasted a string of Tweets out that were misspelled. Daniel Politi of Slate called it a "Typo-Riddled Tweetstorm". The Press does hate him, and for good reason! This morning at 5:04 AM, the Overlord criticized the New York Times in three consecutive Tweets:

"The failing @nytimes has been wrong about me from the very beginning. Said I would lose the primaries, then the general election (he actually lost the general election by about three million votes). FAKE NEWS!"

At 5:08 AM he wrote: "The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost gas been so false and angry that the times actually apologized (the Times never apologized) to its..."

At 5:16 AM he wrote: "...dwindling subscribers and readers (subscribers and audience are at all time highs, according to the Times). They got me wrong right from the beginning and still have not changed course, and never will. DISHONEST."

Look who's calling the kettle black! Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. At least, the majority of it.

What goes through his tiny little mind that early in the morning? The wheels just start spinning, and before you know it he is Tweeting something asinine again. He's like a toddler...he can't control himself. He needs a nanny to look after him. Maybe he could hire one of those Russian prostitutes to dress up and act like his nanny?

In other news, the Pope slammed L'Orange again, saying he is not a Christian, because Christians don't act the way L'Orange does (like an a$$hole).

One of the protesters protesting the Muslim ban was carrying a sign that read, "Orange is the new Red."

And to the Overlord's dismay, Sssss Ban'em will have to get Senate approval in order to be admitted to the National Security Council. This means that they will (hopefully) be grilling him regarding his ties to white supremacist groups. And the fact that he ran a FAKE NEWS publication. And apparently there are also allegations that he beat his wife.

The Overlord knows how to pick 'em!

Birds of a feather flock together.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #9

More protests today (the above photo was taken by 'Rise Up' at LAX International Airport. A reporter from NPR estimated there were more than 10,000 people there.

There were also protests in New York at Overlord L'Orange Tower, and in Boston and Pennsylvania and Washington DC. Probably more places, too. It's all becoming a blur.

It's all so psychically exhausting.

The Overlord's minions want us to feel exhausted, but no!

I'm sure they're banking on it, planning to wear us down with their inhumanity and ugly souls. And K.A. Conwoman's eye bags.

The Overlord also promoted Sssss (that's the sound a snake makes) Ban'em from Chief Strategist to a seat on the National Security Council. This same man, earlier this week, told the press to "keep its mouth shut.". He also called the press "the opposition party."

What the freaking frack?!

I don't understand how people voted for the Overlord. And they're still supporting him? Do they have rocks in their heads? Were they dropped as children on hard cement floors? I just don't get it. And I mean really and truly don't get it. It's like they're Zombies or Stepford Wives.

The Overlord's minions seriously must have half the country (well, actually less than half the county) brainwashed. Maybe this was just a great (and by great I mean large) psychological experiment on the population to see just how far they can push us before we fight back? Or snap. Or get lulled into complacency.

They're banking on exhausting us, and we cannot let that happen.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #8

Lots going on today!

More protests at JFK and LAX International airports...bigly ones!

Overlord L'Orange signed an executive order banning Muslims from entering the country, and people are freaking the f*ck out!

Even the Pope is pissed at L'Orange! Saying he is not a Christian. Because Christians would not do such f*cked up sh*t.

Dan Rather has come out of retirement, solely to fight the Overlord!

Mark Zuckerberg is damning the Overlord, too, saying we must let immigrants into the country. It is the right thing to do. If you have half a brain and half a heart. Duh.

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is gladly welcoming immigrants, and tweeted a big "F*ck you!" to L'Orange today. (But in a more polite fashion, because that man has class.)

California is threatening to secede from the United States.

Governor Jerry Brown is threatening that California will stop paying taxes if we lose Federal money for being a Sanctuary City.

A Federal Judge has overturned the Overlord's ban on immigrants entering the country!

The ACLU is suing L'Orange.

Barbara Streisand and Madonna are really pissed off at him, too.

Strangely, Overlord L'Orange's ban on Muslims only affects people from certain countries. The ones where he has business dealings are still free to come in. I'm sure that's just a funny coincidence. Ha, ha.

The amount of hatred directed toward the Overlord is intense! People hate him. Loathe him. It's palpable and thick in the air.

He must feel it...coming through the airwaves. Seeping into his sweaty pores. Dreaming about it at night, in a fitful state of half-sleeps and half-wakes. He must feel it for every lie that comes out of his mouth, and every inhumane deed he commits.

There is a Collective Unconscious, and it is roaring with anger.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #7

Excerpts from the interview of Overlord L'Orange, with David Muir of ABC News (from January 26, 2017):

Overlord L'Orange: "I can be the most Presidential person ever, other than, possibly, the great Abe Lincoln."

The American people will pay for the construction of the wall, apparently, but Mexico will reimburse us for it. (The President of Mexico says this will not happen.) Overlord L'Orange says, "There will be a payment, it will be in a form."

Overlord L'Orange also says, "I do have a big heart." (Let's hope that it's swollen, and that it bursts.)

"What's going on with voter fraud is horrible."

"There are millions of votes in my opinion." (Regarding 3 to 5 million voters who were suposedly "fraudulent".)

David Muir: "But what you have presented so far has been debunked; it's been called false."

Overlord L'Orange: "No, it hasn't."

Overlord L'Orange: "All of the people saying 'We agree with Overlord L'Orange' -- they're very smart people!"

David Muir: "You don't think it undermines your credibility if there's no evidence?"

Overlord L'Orange: "No, not all."

Overlord L'Orange: "That speech was a home-run!" (Regarding the speech to the CIA.)

Overlord L'Orange: "If you look at Fox (News)...we'd see what Fox said...that it was one of the great speeches...they showed the people applauding, and screaming, and they were all CIA...they were all CIA. There was love in the room" (Not paid cheerleaders, as insiders have reported?)

Overlord L'Orange: "You and other networks covered it very inaccurately! Turn on Fox (News), and see how it was covered, and see how people respond to that speech; that speech was a good speech, and you and a couple of other networks tried to downplay that speech, and it was very, very unfortunate that you you did."

Overlord L'Orange: "We had a massive crowd of people, we had a crowd...I looked over that sea of people, and I said to myself, 'Wow!' And I've seen crowds before, big, big crowds. That was some crowd!"

Overlord L'Orange: "When I looked at the numbers that happened to come in from all the various sources, we had the biggest audience in the history of inaugural speeches." (Statistics have been reported that the Women's March had three times more people in attendance than the presidential inauguration.)

Overlord L'Orange: "I won't allow you, or people like you (journalists reporting the facts), to demean that crowd."

Overlord L'Orange: "Does torture work? Yes, absolutely! Do I think it works? Absolutely." (Regarding Waterboarding.)

Overlord L'Orange: "When they explained what it represents, and the kind of destruction you're talking about, it is a very sobering moment, yes. It's very, very scary, in a sense. It's a very scary thing." (Regarding him possessing the nuclear codes.)

David Muir: "So the economy keeps you up (at night) more than terrorism and homeland security?" (Overlord L'Orange said that the number one thing that keeps him up at night is the economy.)

Overlord L'Orange: "I view it all the same, all very important, yep! Terrorism is to me, number one, because we have to keep people safe...but the economy is certainly...I mean, we have to bring the jobs back."

Overlord L'Orange: "Our country has a lot of problems. Believe me, I know what the problems are. Even better than you do. They're deep problems. They're serious problems. We don't need more." (Regarding the ban on immigrants.)

Overlord L'Orange: "The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets...The world is an angry place...the world is a total mess. The world is a mess, David."

Overlord L'Orange: "I don't call them critics, I call them fools." (The people who challenge what he says.)

Overlord L'Orange: "Our country is falling apart."

Overlord L'Orange: "When it comes to the military, I don't want to discuss things. I want to let the action take place before the talk takes place."

God, save us all.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #6

Overlord L'Orange has put restrictions on what the public can and cannot know, so the above web sites have gone "rogue" in order to get the information out to the people.

In other news: Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto cancelled a meeting with Overlord L'Orange after he insisted that Mexico will pay for that stupid f*cking wall. Mexico's citizens are deeply offended. Overlord L'Orange claims that the cancellation of the meeting was mutual, but everyone knows that it was cancelled because every time he opens his big, fat mouth he sticks his foot in it.

George Orwell's book, "1984" is back on the bestseller list, flying off the shelves like hotcakes.

On a personal note, a Republican "relative" (not by blood) of mine, who is becoming more distant by the second, posted an image of a T-shirt that says: "Ask not who your country can kill for you, but who you can kill for your country." What the freaking frack?! That is just plain nutso. But he does support the Overlord, so I guess it makes sense. But still. Wacko.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #5

There is rioting in the streets again today, in Washington DC and in New York City.

The people are hopping mad that Overlord L'Orange is such an asshat. He's like Darth Vader, killing everything good and decent and humane.

He's signed 'executive orders' about immigration and defunding the arts and public radio and television (NPR and PBS). Also, environmental scientists at the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) will have to get government approval on what they can and cannot show the public.

Keith Olbermann is calling him crazy and not of sound mind. Dan Rather is saying the same thing.

He is a total narcissist demagogue.

A lunatic is running the asylum.

P.S. so far three Republican family members have deleted me on Facebook, for speaking my mind. One of them (a man) blocked me (as if I would actually ever have any interest in communicating with him again). This man also kills animals for recreational purposes. Not related by blood, thankfully. Another, a distant niece, stated that she "doesn't need women marching for her rights, she can take care of herself". Good luck.

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #4

One of my (older) male relatives posted this today on Facebook, and the ideology behind it is as antiquated as he is.

Newsflash: it's not the 1950's anymore.

This meme is offensive on so many levels. This (older) male relative also likes to remind people of their lack of humor about his offensive posts. Sigh.

Firstly, this woman is being mocked for being angry. She's probably this guy's wife, and that is why she is so angry. Living with a misogynistic husband and son would be enough to make her angry. And everyone knows that women should never get angry! God forbid! They should always be sweet and do what their husbands want them to do, which means having a "normal" hair color, and suppressing her emotions, so he can feel more comfortable. it's all about what he wants. She and her vagina can go f*ck themselves.

Secondly, this father and son pair are clearly from the 1950's, when a woman's place was in the kitchen baking cherry pies. They are also white, and appear to be privileged. They are mocking a woman for her hair color. Not only are they mocking her, they are rudely pointing at her, which is not very dignified, as they accuse her of having no dignity. They've apparently never been to a modern day High School or a music festival, because if they had, purple hair would not be such a big freaking deal. Which hair color would be preferable to these two morons? No hair color would be preferable to them, because the father clearly has issues with women expressing themselves creatively, as well as emotionally, and he is passing this trait on to his unfortunate and hapless son. What a couple of stick-in-the-mud nincompoops.

Lastly, she is dressed as a vagina. (Who isn't?!) Even though everyone knows that vaginas are disgusting! At least that's what all the men are saying in the comment section of this meme. Gross! Who wants to see a nasty vagina out and about in the light of day, especially holding a protest sign? This man is probably repressing his own homosexuality, and in the process feels the need to put women down for being dressed as vaginas and speaking their minds. I wonder which one is most offensive to him? What a dope.

This meme was posted in an attempt to demean the Women's Marches and the millions of women who marched in them, protesting misogyny and Patriarchy, and social injustice and inequality. And of course, Overlord L'Orange.

Guess what? It didn't work. It just made you look ignorant for posting it, you old fossil.

P.S. my gloves are off now, too.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #3

Poor Wifey!

Overlord L'Orange's wife looks so sad. And mad. And disgruntled. Like an angry postal worker.

There was a very telling video posted online today of Overlord L'Orange saying something to his wife as he was sworn into office. She smiled at him as he was talking to her, but when he looked away she immediately got the most dour and sour look on her face, like she was completely miserable.

Money can't buy you love, Wifey!

It can force you to smile, though, even when you don't feel like it.

I can only imagine what it must be like to lie underneath him when he is sweating and grunting and relieving himself inside of her.

What must it be like to smile when she feels like putting her fist through his face?

I would feel more sorry for her, but she should have known what she was getting into.

This morning on NPR they announced that Overlord L'Orange was installing gold drapes in the White House. He loves that gold stuff. I'm sure it makes him feel more like a king.

Wifey must love gold stuff, too. Why else would she be where she is?

Don't try and tell me it's because of love; love doesn't wear a face like that.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #2

Today K.A. Conwoman, the 'Counselor' to Overlord L'Orange, stated that the Press Secretary's lies about a large turnout at the inauguration were actually "Alternative Facts".

What the f*ck is that?!

The definition of "alternative": (adjective) affording a choice of two or more things, propositions, or courses of action. Asserting two or more choices, at least one of which is true. Mutually exclusive so that if one is chosen the other must be rejected (Dictionary.com).

The definition of "fact": (noun) the quality of being actual. Something that has actual existence. A piece of information presented as having objective reality (Meriam-Webster Dictionary).

She said this with a straight face (which must have been difficult, I would think), as if the public is just supposed to accept it and believe her.


How stupid are the American people? Are we brain dead? The fluoride in our water really has affected our pineal glands?

How does the government get away with this kind of mind-f*ck? It's a mystery.

P.S. this was the Press Secretary's first time addressing the public. With a big, fat lie.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #1

Yesterday I woke up crying...what a sad day.

I'm trying to let go of the anger I feel for the people I know who voted for Overlord L'Orange, but today it is extra difficult. I keep wondering, "How on Earth could you vote for this person?" It just stuns me. They can't possibly be getting their news from the same sources I'm getting mine. Or if they are, they're interpreting it in a completely different way, which is even more confounding.