Monday, January 23, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #3

Poor Wifey!

Overlord L'Orange's wife looks so sad. And mad. And disgruntled. Like an angry postal worker.

There was a very telling video posted online today of Overlord L'Orange saying something to his wife as he was sworn into office. She smiled at him as he was talking to her, but when he looked away she immediately got the most dour and sour look on her face, like she was completely miserable.

Money can't buy you love, Wifey!

It can force you to smile, though, even when you don't feel like it.

I can only imagine what it must be like to lie underneath him when he is sweating and grunting and relieving himself inside of her.

What must it be like to smile when she feels like putting her fist through his face?

I would feel more sorry for her, but she should have known what she was getting into.

This morning on NPR they announced that Overlord L'Orange was installing gold drapes in the White House. He loves that gold stuff. I'm sure it makes him feel more like a king.

Wifey must love gold stuff, too. Why else would she be where she is?

Don't try and tell me it's because of love; love doesn't wear a face like that.

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