Friday, January 27, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #7

Excerpts from the interview of Overlord L'Orange, with David Muir of ABC News (from January 26, 2017):

Overlord L'Orange: "I can be the most Presidential person ever, other than, possibly, the great Abe Lincoln."

The American people will pay for the construction of the wall, apparently, but Mexico will reimburse us for it. (The President of Mexico says this will not happen.) Overlord L'Orange says, "There will be a payment, it will be in a form."

Overlord L'Orange also says, "I do have a big heart." (Let's hope that it's swollen, and that it bursts.)

"What's going on with voter fraud is horrible."

"There are millions of votes in my opinion." (Regarding 3 to 5 million voters who were suposedly "fraudulent".)

David Muir: "But what you have presented so far has been debunked; it's been called false."

Overlord L'Orange: "No, it hasn't."

Overlord L'Orange: "All of the people saying 'We agree with Overlord L'Orange' -- they're very smart people!"

David Muir: "You don't think it undermines your credibility if there's no evidence?"

Overlord L'Orange: "No, not all."

Overlord L'Orange: "That speech was a home-run!" (Regarding the speech to the CIA.)

Overlord L'Orange: "If you look at Fox (News)...we'd see what Fox said...that it was one of the great speeches...they showed the people applauding, and screaming, and they were all CIA...they were all CIA. There was love in the room" (Not paid cheerleaders, as insiders have reported?)

Overlord L'Orange: "You and other networks covered it very inaccurately! Turn on Fox (News), and see how it was covered, and see how people respond to that speech; that speech was a good speech, and you and a couple of other networks tried to downplay that speech, and it was very, very unfortunate that you you did."

Overlord L'Orange: "We had a massive crowd of people, we had a crowd...I looked over that sea of people, and I said to myself, 'Wow!' And I've seen crowds before, big, big crowds. That was some crowd!"

Overlord L'Orange: "When I looked at the numbers that happened to come in from all the various sources, we had the biggest audience in the history of inaugural speeches." (Statistics have been reported that the Women's March had three times more people in attendance than the presidential inauguration.)

Overlord L'Orange: "I won't allow you, or people like you (journalists reporting the facts), to demean that crowd."

Overlord L'Orange: "Does torture work? Yes, absolutely! Do I think it works? Absolutely." (Regarding Waterboarding.)

Overlord L'Orange: "When they explained what it represents, and the kind of destruction you're talking about, it is a very sobering moment, yes. It's very, very scary, in a sense. It's a very scary thing." (Regarding him possessing the nuclear codes.)

David Muir: "So the economy keeps you up (at night) more than terrorism and homeland security?" (Overlord L'Orange said that the number one thing that keeps him up at night is the economy.)

Overlord L'Orange: "I view it all the same, all very important, yep! Terrorism is to me, number one, because we have to keep people safe...but the economy is certainly...I mean, we have to bring the jobs back."

Overlord L'Orange: "Our country has a lot of problems. Believe me, I know what the problems are. Even better than you do. They're deep problems. They're serious problems. We don't need more." (Regarding the ban on immigrants.)

Overlord L'Orange: "The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets...The world is an angry place...the world is a total mess. The world is a mess, David."

Overlord L'Orange: "I don't call them critics, I call them fools." (The people who challenge what he says.)

Overlord L'Orange: "Our country is falling apart."

Overlord L'Orange: "When it comes to the military, I don't want to discuss things. I want to let the action take place before the talk takes place."

God, save us all.

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