Saturday, January 28, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #8

Lots going on today!

More protests at JFK and LAX International airports...bigly ones!

Overlord L'Orange signed an executive order banning Muslims from entering the country, and people are freaking the f*ck out!

Even the Pope is pissed at L'Orange! Saying he is not a Christian. Because Christians would not do such f*cked up sh*t.

Dan Rather has come out of retirement, solely to fight the Overlord!

Mark Zuckerberg is damning the Overlord, too, saying we must let immigrants into the country. It is the right thing to do. If you have half a brain and half a heart. Duh.

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is gladly welcoming immigrants, and tweeted a big "F*ck you!" to L'Orange today. (But in a more polite fashion, because that man has class.)

California is threatening to secede from the United States.

Governor Jerry Brown is threatening that California will stop paying taxes if we lose Federal money for being a Sanctuary City.

A Federal Judge has overturned the Overlord's ban on immigrants entering the country!

The ACLU is suing L'Orange.

Barbara Streisand and Madonna are really pissed off at him, too.

Strangely, Overlord L'Orange's ban on Muslims only affects people from certain countries. The ones where he has business dealings are still free to come in. I'm sure that's just a funny coincidence. Ha, ha.

The amount of hatred directed toward the Overlord is intense! People hate him. Loathe him. It's palpable and thick in the air.

He must feel it...coming through the airwaves. Seeping into his sweaty pores. Dreaming about it at night, in a fitful state of half-sleeps and half-wakes. He must feel it for every lie that comes out of his mouth, and every inhumane deed he commits.

There is a Collective Unconscious, and it is roaring with anger.

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