Sunday, January 29, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #9

More protests today (the above photo was taken by 'Rise Up' at LAX International Airport. A reporter from NPR estimated there were more than 10,000 people there.

There were also protests in New York at Overlord L'Orange Tower, and in Boston and Pennsylvania and Washington DC. Probably more places, too. It's all becoming a blur.

It's all so psychically exhausting.

The Overlord's minions want us to feel exhausted, but no!

I'm sure they're banking on it, planning to wear us down with their inhumanity and ugly souls. And K.A. Conwoman's eye bags.

The Overlord also promoted Sssss (that's the sound a snake makes) Ban'em from Chief Strategist to a seat on the National Security Council. This same man, earlier this week, told the press to "keep its mouth shut.". He also called the press "the opposition party."

What the freaking frack?!

I don't understand how people voted for the Overlord. And they're still supporting him? Do they have rocks in their heads? Were they dropped as children on hard cement floors? I just don't get it. And I mean really and truly don't get it. It's like they're Zombies or Stepford Wives.

The Overlord's minions seriously must have half the country (well, actually less than half the county) brainwashed. Maybe this was just a great (and by great I mean large) psychological experiment on the population to see just how far they can push us before we fight back? Or snap. Or get lulled into complacency.

They're banking on exhausting us, and we cannot let that happen.

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