Sunday, January 22, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #2

Today K.A. Conwoman, the 'Counselor' to Overlord L'Orange, stated that the Press Secretary's lies about a large turnout at the inauguration were actually "Alternative Facts".

What the f*ck is that?!

The definition of "alternative": (adjective) affording a choice of two or more things, propositions, or courses of action. Asserting two or more choices, at least one of which is true. Mutually exclusive so that if one is chosen the other must be rejected (

The definition of "fact": (noun) the quality of being actual. Something that has actual existence. A piece of information presented as having objective reality (Meriam-Webster Dictionary).

She said this with a straight face (which must have been difficult, I would think), as if the public is just supposed to accept it and believe her.


How stupid are the American people? Are we brain dead? The fluoride in our water really has affected our pineal glands?

How does the government get away with this kind of mind-f*ck? It's a mystery.

P.S. this was the Press Secretary's first time addressing the public. With a big, fat lie.

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