Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observatins of an Average Citizen, Installment #12

So tired today.

It's hard to keep up with all the news. The average citizen has to work, go to school, go grocery shopping, etc.

And the news is coming at everyone like a tidal wave. It crushes you to the rocky bottom, then spits you back up, only to drag you under again. You can barely catch your breath.

Some of today's news: protests, protests, and more protests.

KA. Conwoman said she will no longer appear on CNN because it doesn't "promote" the Overlord's agenda. Who wants to look at her scary face, anyway? Honestly. The Overlord's White House staff claims that the cable news network broadcasts "fake news" and has been "unfair" to them. (By telling the f*cking truth.)

MSN News reports that "Prince Charles warns on World War II lessons as L'Orange visit spurs outrage." The entire world hates him. (Except for less than one-half of the United States and Russia.)

Grant Stern writes: "House Republicans just voted to allow oil companies to hide foreign bribes." Nice. How can 'we the people' stop them from doing all this sh*t? Every nook and cranny is filled with horrible-ness.

 John Harper writes: "House Republicans just voted to allow dumping of coal waste in rivers." And they claim to be the moral party? In what Universe?

Samantha Bee says: "L'Orange had every right to can Yates (the Attorney General)...she knew her statement would get her fired just like most women expect to get fired upon publicly speaking their minds." Thank you for being you, Samantha Bee! Thank you for the much needed laughter (and insight).

This morning I watched a video of M.P. blathering on about his Christian values, looking like Caspar the Friendly Ghost. He was talking about 'Religious Freedom', but I think that only means if you are a Christian. He kept talking about the "rights of the unborn" (never once mentioned Women's rights), and near the end asked everyone to "support L'Orange and his agenda" and to "get down on one knee and pray". F$ck you, M.P. You are one smooth talker, like a white snake.

Grant Stern writes: "L'Orange just removed White Supremacist groups from terror watch programs." Ummm...why?

David Edwards writes for Time: "Reuters orders reporters to cover L'Orange like an authoritarian regime: expect physical threats." What the f*ck?

And lastly, Tom DiChristopher writes for CNBC: "U.S. veterans group says Dakota Access pipeline 'will not get completed. Not on our watch.'" At least somebody cares and has a human heart.

There's so much more that I didn't get to, but I'm doing my best to weed through and process everything I can. 

Today on NPR they were interviewing someone (I didn't get his name), but he said the Republicans voted this jackhole into office mainly "for their own wallet". He wasn't speaking about the wealthy Republicans, but your average Joe. Their number one main concern was money. At the expense of everything listed above. They were looking out for "Number One" at the detriment of our entire country. And they call themselves "Patriotic". I hope they know this in their guts, and feel it. Really experience it. You sold everyone out for money. You didn't just whore yourself out, but took everyone else along with you. How can I ever look you in the eyes the same way again?

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