Thursday, February 9, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #20

Trying to keep up with all this news is like being in a batting cage with the baseballs coming at you at top speed. Turned up to eleven.

Laurel Raymond writes for Think Progress: "K.A. Conwoman tells America to 'buy Iwanta's stuff,' may have violated Federal law." And: "K.A. Conwoman, who is a counselor to President L'Orange, gave a 'free commercial' for Iwanta L'Orange's business this morning, speaking to Fox & Friends from the White House Briefing Room."

“'Go buy Iwanta's stuff, is what I would tell you. I hate shopping, but I am going to go get some myself today,' said Conwoman. 'This is just — it’s a wonderful line, I own some of it, I’m just gonna give a free commercial here, go buy it today, you can buy it online.'”

  "Conwoman's comments are a particularly egregious example of how the L'Orange businesses are cashing in on the L'Orange presidency. They also appear to violate federal ethics law, which prohibits the endorsement of products by federal officials."

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "A Democratic lawmaker just filed a bill requiring a psychiatrist for L'Orange's mental health." And: "In a stunning turn of events, President L'Orange's first month of presidential tenure has already got democrats convinced he’s mentally unfit to be president. Now a bill has been filed that requires the White House have a psychiatrist on site just in case L'Orange has a mental breakdown."

Representative Ted Lieu (D-California) has decided that L'Orange's dangerous rhetoric and erratic behavior, including some very questionable phone calls with foreign leaders and weird press conferences, is reason enough to have a psychiatrist on stand-by."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange Tweets IN ALL CAPS after Federal court rules his Muslim ban unconstitutional." And: "A federal court has just issued a decision to uphold the suspension of President L'Orange's ‘Muslim ban’ – a travel ban affecting citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries. L'Orange is outraged by the ruling and took to Twitter announcing that he will pursue the decision in court and blaming the justices for threatening national security. And, of course, he expressed his fury by holding down the caps-lock key with his tiny finger."

Christine Branch writes for Occupy Democrats: "A Federal judge just called L'Orange's legitimacy into question." And: "'This is serious business, because you start calling into question the legitimacy of someone, that undermines the whole system, all right?' asked Polster."

"Polster told the crowd, 'I think to say it publicly, that’s his right. But it calls into question, and some might even say forfeits, his or her own legitimacy. So I’ll leave it at that. It’s an important question, but that’s how I feel…I don’t believe there’s a single federal judge who would be intimidated by anybody. We took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and it means a lot. And I think that oath means, even more, today.'”

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just put Putin on hold to ask the dumbest question ever." And: "On a phone call with his role model and possible puppet master Vladimir Putin, dictator of the Russian Federation, Putin reportedly asked whether L'Orange would be interested in extending the 2010 New START Treaty, which sets limits for the size of standing strategic nuclear weapons forces."

"L'Orange then paused the call to ask his aides what START was, according to Reuters."

Zach Cartwright writes for U.S. Uncut: "The government Ethics web site just crashed from people complaining about K.A. Conwoman." And: "Overlord L'Orange's presidency is so unethical, Americans have crashed the website and shut down the phone lines of the Office of Government Ethics."

And lastly:

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