Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #18

Another busy day!

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange is furious over Melissa McCarthy's S.S. Spice-her (impersonation) for the worst reason." And: ""More than being lampooned as a press secretary who makes up facts, it was Spice-her's portrayal by a woman that was most problematic in the president’s eyes, according to sources close to him. And the unflattering send-up by a female comedian was not considered helpful for Spice-her's longevity in the grueling, high-profile job in which he has struggled to strike the right balance between representing an administration that considers the media the 'opposition party,' and developing a functional relationship with the press."

Dan Arel writes for Occupy Democrats: "Here are all the terror attacks by white people L'Orange has ignored." And: "L'Orange, who has made it a point to attack the media almost every day since launching his campaign for the presidency chose not to elaborate on his claim that the US media is ignoring or covering up terrorist attacks."

"To the contrary, Mr. L'Orange has seemingly made it a point to ignore all non-Muslim initiated terrorist attacks in North America and only seems to believe that attacks carried out by Muslims are worth mentioning."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "You won't believe where L'Orange got the idea that the media is covering up terror attacks." And: "The Washington Post did a little digging and discovered that the source of this kind of lie is InfoWars, thanks to Twitter user @UrbanAchievr. The conspiracy theory website is run by L'Orange fan and deranged lunatic Alex Jones, who believes that Sandy Hook was a hoax and that the Obama administration was putting chemicals in the water to turn frogs – and presumably humans – gay. It’s like if the National Inquirer was merged with Breibart in a secret lab run by Hillary Clinton and her team of extraterrestrial lizard-men."

Natalie Dickson writes for Occupy Democrats: "Seth Meyers just made a terrifying prediction about L'Orange and Putin." And: "L'Orange has staked the entire first two weeks of his presidency on the supposed desire to keep bad people from harming the United States. And yet, there are apparently some actually bad people that he’s totally fine with. Now, admitting that the U.S. has made mistakes would be fine, but that’s not what L'Orange is doing. Instead, it sounds like he’s defending Putin because he’s about to get caught for the exact same thing.”

"Meyer’s terrifying assessment sounds more and more accurate with every passing day. Overlord L'Orange's ham-fisted attacks on the media and our independent judiciary seem to be laying the groundwork for punishing them when a terrorist attack does happen. His emulation and defense of Putin are even more disturbing once you consider the fact that Putin’s rise to power was enabled by a terrorist attack that is believed to have been perpetrated by the Russian secret service and publicly blamed on Chechen Muslims."

Natalie Dickinson writes for Occupy Democrats: "Twitter just erupted in fury at Betsy-Wetsy DeVacant's confirmation." And: "Social media networks have erupted in fury at the news that Vice President M.P. has voted to break the Congressional tie and confirm billionaire religious extremist Betsy-Wetsy DeVacant as our next Secretary of Education."

"Entirely lacking any experience in public schooling or student loan management, DeVacant bought her position by pouring millions of dollars into the war chests of Republican congressmen and Overlord L'Orange's Super-PACs. DeVacant once compared her work in education to efforts to 'advance God’s kingdom,' complaining about how public schools have displaced the church from communities and wants to use our public tax dollars to fund religious private schools for wealthy white students instead."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange said judges would be responsible for terror attacks. Dan Rather's response just went viral." And: "No sir, Mr. President, with all due respect. The job of protecting this country from a terrorist attack falls on your shoulders."

"In the past few days Mr. L'Orange has launched a very serious and very dangerous campaign of suggesting that if an attack occurs it will be the fault of federal judges who ruled that his Executive Order on immigration was Constitutionally problematic. And more recently he suggested it might be the fault of the press for not reporting on terrorist attacks – an assertion which any fair read of the evidence shows is a lie. As with the sweeping allegations of millions of fraudulent voters (where is the investigation of that dire threat to our democracy now?), the White House cannot supply facts to back up the President’s claim."

"Mr. L'Orange is the Commander in Chief. The armed services and intelligence community report to him. Searching for scapegoats to blame even before an event occurs is to sow the seeds of destabilization to the very fabric of our republic. These are the tactics of a thin-skinned bully who may realize he is in far over his head. No doubt there are many in Mr. L'Orange's base who are being whipped up into a misguided frenzy fueled by 'fake news' and right-wing media. This is a common tactic of authoritarian rulers I have seen around the globe. It is stoking civic unrest and paving a path to crack downs and repression."

"I do not think – or perhaps a desperate hope is father to the thought – that this tactic will work here. Mr. L'Orange built his brand on a bold, brash form of leadership and I think most Americans will see through the rhetoric of dodging responsibility. Furthermore we cherish an independent judiciary as a bedrock of our checks and balances. We can see that the press has covered terrorist attacks fully. And I do not see either judges or reporters backing down. Quite the contrary."

But Mr. L'Orange is signaling how he will react in a time of crisis. To be forewarned is to be forearmed."

Nathan Wellman writes for U.S. Uncut: "Republican lawmaker introduces legislation to abolish Department of Education" And: "Just hours after Betsy-Wetsy DeVacant was barely confirmed as secretary of Education in a tie-breaking vote, a Kentucky House Republican introduced legislation to completely dissolve the Dept. of Education."

"Rep. Thomas Massie’s bill is only one sentence long, simply positing that 'The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018'.”

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "Lazy L'Orange going on vacation for second weekend in a row." And: "Our so-called 'President' Overlord L'Orange, it seems, is having a very hard time adjusting to the pressures of his office. After spending his entire election campaign questioning Hillary Clinton’s 'stamina' and accusing President Obama of spending all his time on vacation, L'Orange is already planning his next round of R&R – and it hasn’t even been a month yet."

"L'Orange has broken another record – the fastest President to hit the golf course after the inauguration. 'President Barack Obama made it four months into his presidency before his first golf outing as commander in chief. George W. Bush made it even longer, first hitting the links as president about 5 ½ months into his first term. President L'Orange made it two weeks' reports POLITICO."

And lastly:

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