Thursday, February 2, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #13

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was that My-low Yammerontopofallofus' speech was cancelled at UC Berkeley because of protests and rioting in the streets, which included throwing fireballs or something (I need to read more about that...but that sh*t happened yesterday.)

Today I had the day off work, so I slept in late, took a long walk, and am going to have dinner and some White Russians with my special friend Samuel. We're going to watch movies and attempt to distract ourselves from L'Orange for one evening without him infiltrating every fiber of our beings.

NPR just announced that the Overlord has already insulted the President of Mexico today, speaking in 'humiliating tones' and threatened to send troops into Mexico, yelled at and I think hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia, claiming that they were sending terrorists into the U.S., and gave Iran an admonishment on Twitter of "You are on notice." Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange administration just told a huge lie to start a war with Iran."

So World War III should be happening anytime now.

I promised myself I would be more recreational today, and enjoy myself. Looks like I picked the wrong day.

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