Monday, February 20, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #31

So-called President's Day.

There was a "Not My President" protest in Washington D.C.

I randomly tuned in to NPR and they were discussing the so-called President's sanity. Having a very serious discussion on whether the President is sane or not. Literally.

Gala Darling (Author and Witch) performed a public online ritual to 'Bind L'Orange'. 

Grant Stern writes for Occupy Democrats: "Milo just lost his book deal over pedophile remarks." And: "Misogynist and white supremacist darling Milo Yiannopolous was announced as a keynote speaker at conservative gathering CPAC just three days ago. Since that announcement, the British provocateur Yiannopolous appeared on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher – where he admitted to possibly having a disordered personality in a web segment, then yesterday conservative news outlet The Blaze released a Joe Rogan interview where Milo was openly advocating for pedophile rights."

"Less than 72 hours later, Republican conservatives decided that advocating for pedophilia was a line that even the 'political correctness' right-wing wouldn’t cross. A Fox News contributor reported the news that Milo Yiannopolous has been disinvited from CPAC."

Grant Stern writes for Occupy Democrats: "A criminal defense attorney just revealed the twelve signs that L'Orange is guilty as sin." And: "Overlord L'Orange's crooked Administration is less than a month old, and already it’s facing an existential crisis as multiple criminal investigations move forward, all capped off by the FBI meeting secretly with Congress last week to fashion a process to retain 100% of the White House’s electronic records."

"One criminal defense lawyer realized after L'Orange's crazy press conference that America’s President is talking like some of the common crooks which he has represented. Not just like any suspect, but like those who have ultimately pled guilty to a crime."

Jennifer Calfas writes for The Hill: "L'Orange clarifies remarks on non-existent Sweden incident: I saw it on Fox News." And: "President L'Orange sought to explain his reference to a nonexistent terrorism incident in Sweden at a rally Saturday night, pointing to a story from Fox News."

“"My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden,' L'Orange tweeted Sunday."

"Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt also questioned L'Orange's claims.
'Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound,' he tweeted."

And lastly:

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