Friday, February 3, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #14

Wow! Every day is like riding a roller coaster! But like one of those rickety old ones make out of wood that could break at any moment and plunge you to your death.

Once again, a very eventful twenty-four hours.

How's the average Joe supposed to keep up?

Hayley Peterson writes for the Business Insider: "Nordstrom has officially cut ties with Iwanta L'Orange's brands." NPR also reported that another major department store (I forget which one...maybe Neiman Marcus) has also stopped carrying her stuff. People are not buying it. Literally.

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just sold out retirees to Wall Street and ensured another economic collapse." So we all have that to look forward to, if we are not yet participating in World War III.

Alanna Vagianos writes for Huffington Post: "21 women respond to L'Orange telling female staff to 'dress like women'." And "Reminder: there's no one way to dress like a woman." Seriously. You buffoon.

Koh writes for The Daily Buzz: "Dove (the beauty company) trolls K.A. Conwoman's #alternativefacts in new campaign." I find it ironic that a beauty company is trolling her.

Tyler Fine writes for Newsy: "During Thursday's National Prayer Breakfast, President L'Orange took a moment to ask the nation to pray for "The Apprentice" and its host Arnold Schwarzenegger. And: "'When I ran for president, I had to leave the show. ... And they hired a big, big movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to take my place, and we know how that turned out,' L'Orange said. 'The ratings went right down the tubes. It's been a total disaster. ... I want to just pray for Arnold, if we can, for those ratings.'" This is what he's worried about, first and foremost. I kid you not.

"Schwarzenegger had his own message — and an offer — for President L'Orange. 'Hey L'Orange, I have a great idea, why don't we switch jobs? You take over TV — because you're such an expert in ratings — and I take over your job. And then people can finally sleep comfortably again,' Schwarzenegger said."

The President of the United States is on f*cking Twitter all the time! Can someone just cut him off already? This is a deliberate distraction from the really important stuff that's going on. Duh. His administration is using brain tricks, smoke and mirrors and distractions to confuse everyone.

James Dyke writes for Quartz: "The march for Science isn't partisan or anti-L'Orange, it's pro-facts." The Science community has to have a march to wake people up.

Jennifer Agiesta writes for CNN Politics: "First L'Orange approval rating lags behind past Presidents. A majority, 53%, disapprove of the way the President is handling his job, according to a new CNN/ORC poll, marking the highest disapproval for a new elected president since polls began tracking those results. L'Orange is the only President to hold a net-negative rating this early in his tenure."

 Elizabeth Warren Tweeted: "The Wall St bankers may be popping champagne, but Americans haven't forgotten the 2008 financial crisis – and they won't forget today." Thank you, Elizabeth Warren!

 Dan Rather was on The Tonight Show and said that the Press "is not going to shut up!"

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "The L'Orange administration just took credit for Obama's final jobs report." Nice. Ethical. Values.

 Robert Reich writes for Occupy Democrats: "The Four L'Orange Syndromes: Normalizer, Outrage Numbness, Cynical, and Helpless."

Patrick Mairs writes for CBS Boston: "K.A. Conwoman cites 'Bowling Green' massacre that didn't happen." And: "WASHINGTON (AP) — A top aide to President Donald Trump has cited a 2011 “massacre” in Kentucky that never happened as a reason why the administration’s temporary ban on immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations is necessary." This woman.

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "A pastor just went viral begging Americans to 'stop calling L'Orange a Christian.'"

Jon Russell writes for Tech Crunch: "Twitter staff donate 1.5 million to the ACLU to fight L'Orange on immigration." If they really want to help, they should dismantle his Twitter account.

The New Yorker magazine's latest cover is the Statue of Liberty with her light snuffed out.

Matt Shuham writes for TPM: "Senators Graham, Whitehouse announce probe of Russian Election Interference." Oh, yeah...remember that?!

Lisa Lambert and Sarah N. Lynch write for The Huffington Post: "Senate votes to kill Dodd Frank anti-corruption rule." And: "It should be lost on no one that in less than 48 hours, the Republican-controlled Senate has confirmed the former head of ExxonMobil to serve as our Secretary of State, and repealed a key anti-corruption rule that ExxonMobil and the American Petroleum Institute have erroneously fought for years." What next? Are they Super Villains?

 The cover of Der Speigel (a German magazine) is a cartoon of L'Orange beheading the Statue of Liberty.

And lastly, MSNBC reported: "BREAKING: A federal judge in Washington state on Friday temporarily blocked President Donald Trump's executive order that put a hold on entry to the U.S. of people from seven predominantly Muslim nations: 'No one is above the law -- not even the President.'" Let's hope so.

A lot to keep up with. Kind of overwhelming. Everyone is feeling overwhelmed. And the people that aren't are in some kind of strange Stepford Wife type of denial.

One of my Republican family members stated today that all the political posts on Facebook are bumming her high (in so many words). This stuff cannot be swept under the rug. It is not the time for people to be 'polite'. Being silent is not an option right now.

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