Friday, February 24, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #35

This sh*t's hard to keep up with!

Natalie Dickinson writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just got caught lying about the size of his CPAC speech crowd." And: "President L'Orange just gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and it was a doozy. As incoherent and vitriolic as all of Trump’s speeches seem to be, he went out of his way to tell some outrageous lies."

"He opened up with his favorite subject – crowd sizes. L'Orange incorrectly claimed that the line to get into CPAC to see his speech stretched around six blocks outside. In reality, CPAC is a closed event which you have to buy tickets for, which means this couldn’t be real in any sense of the word."

Soumya Karlamangla writes for the L.A. Times: "Why therapists are having such a hard time talking about L'Orange." And: "In her 35 years as a therapist, Arlene Drake has never heard so many clients talking about the same issue. Week after week, they complain of panic attacks and insomnia because of Overlord L'Orange. They’re too anxious to concentrate at work. One woman’s fear turned into intense, physical pain."

“It’s just a nightmare,” said Drake, who practices in West L.A.

"Drake was trained not to reveal her personal beliefs, but now will agree with clients if they say they don’t support L'Orange."

“'If this were just another session, if this weren’t such a big thing, if this weren’t so evil, I wouldn’t,' she said. 'But I have to stand for what I stand for and that does cross over into politics.'”

Natalie Dickinson writes for Occupy Democrats: "CPAC attendees just waived Russian 'L'Orange' flags during L'Orange's speech." And: "President L'Orange arrived today to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he was replacing hate speaker Milo Yiannopolis as keynote speaker."

"But his fans in the crowd had an unpleasant surprise for L'Orange and his team. White-blue-red flags with “L'ORANGE” written on them began fluttering throughout the throng of conservatives – but it quickly became obvious that these weren’t American flags."

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "Top law professors just filed a complaint to take down K.A. Conwoman." And: "K.A. Conwoman, President L'Orange's shrill counselor and spokeswoman, is a qualified lawyer, having passed the Washington D.C. Bar in 1995 after studying at George Washington University Law School. Now, 15 legal ethics lawyers have filed a complaint against Conwoman accusing her of misconduct. The professors come from across the country and teach at institutions such as Yale Law School and Duke University."

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just attacked the F.B.I. on twitter for doing their job." And: "The White House has allegedly been seeking help from the FBI and other agencies investigating the Russian hacking scandal to back them up in saying the reports are fake. Direct communication between the White House and the FBI is strange as it violates proper procedure, which limits communications with the FBI on the subject of pending investigations. The FBI, by refusing to comment, is following the correct procedure, which apparently isn’t okay in L'Orange's fantasy world."

Dan Arel writes for Occupy Democrats: "CNN just uncovered a massive White House Pay-for-Play corruption scandal." And: "In a brazen display of pay-for-play corruption, the largest and most consistent donations came from people who L'Orange would end up appointing to top cabinet positions (or their families)."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "The F.B.I. just revealed L'Orange is panicking, begging them to hide his Russian scandal." And: "CNN has released a groundbreaking report detailing unprecedented attempts by the L'Orange White House to undermine law and order. CNN reports that they contacted multiple officials briefed on the matter who told them, 'The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign.'”

Grant Stern writes for Occupy Democrats: "The Supreme Court just advanced a lawsuit to nullify the 2016 election." And: "A longshot legal petition to nullify the 2016 federal elections based on the Constitution’s 'Guarantee Clause' just moved forward at the Supreme Court this week, after last week the Trump administration declined to reply. Our Supreme Court set the case for Conference on Friday, March 17th to put the petition in front of all of the Justices."

"According to a career prosecutor interviewed for this story, four of the eight justices must then vote that Blumstein vs. U.S. meets their high standard to go to a full hearing. Additionally, the three Massachusetts women who petitioned the court have asked for the appointment of a Special Master, which is a special officer to weigh the evidence and make findings to the Court. There has never before been a case about the Constitution’s Guarantee Clause (which obliges the federal government to protect states from foreign invaders) like this decided in front of the Supreme Court."

Jamie Green writes for Resistance Report: "Betsy DeVos just accused college professors of 'ominously' indoctrinating students." And: "In her prepared remarks to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) the billionaire heiress to the Amway fortune attacked American college professors for tainting young students with liberal ideology."

“'The fight against the education establishment extends to you too,'” DeVos said, after asking if there were college students in the audience. 'The faculty, from adjunct professors to deans, tell you what to do, what to say, and more ominously, what to think.'”

Natalie Dickinson writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just banned the New York Times from press briefings." And: "President L'Orange and Press Secretary Sean Spicer just took the unprecedented step of banning major news outlets from a White House press briefing, including CNN, the New York Times, POLITICO, the Los Angeles Times, and Buzzfeed News."

"Instead, they filled the room with conservative propaganda outlets like fascist hate-rag Breitbart, conservative TV channel One America News, and clickbait fake news site GatewayPundit."

"The New York Times has just responded to the L'Orange Administration’s outrageous attack on the freedoms of the press enshrined in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which L'Orange swore a sacred oath to uphold and defend."

Nathan Wellman writes for U.S. Uncut: "CNN responds to being excluded from press briefing with one powerful message." And: "CNN just responded to their exclusion from Sean Spicer’s private press briefing, calling it 'an unacceptable development' before vowing to continue to 'report facts.'”

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "What L'Orange just did at his press conference should terrify every American." And: "Today, the L'Orange Administration is holding an off-camera press gaggle during which Press Secretary Sean Spicer will give a special briefing to reporters. In an unprecedented move, the Administration has excluded reporters from major news outlets that cover the White House every day. This has never happened before. This is not normal."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just said The Washington Post makes up stories." And: "Everything we published regarding Gen. Flynn was true, as confirmed by subsequent events and on-the-record statements from administration officials themselves. The story led directly to the general’s dismissal as national security adviser. Calling press reports fake doesn’t make them so.”

James Devinne writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange's state department just tried to silence dissent and it backfired immediately." And: "The State Department’s legal team prepared a four-page memo for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, aiming to clamp down on the unauthorized leaks of sensitive information that have plagued the L'Orange administration."

"That memo was, of course, immediately leaked to the Washington Post."

And lastly:

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