Saturday, February 11, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #22

I thought things might slow down for the weekend...but, no.

Melissa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just took unprecedented measures to hide himself during his vacation." And: "This weekend President L'Orange is spending a relaxing time at his Florida golf course and resort Mar-a-lago with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at a cost of around $3 million paid for by American taxpayers. Bizarrely, the L'Orange team has blacked out all of the windows of the area reporters are confined to so the reporters cannot see the resort nor interact with anyone."

"Associated Press reporter Jill Colvin tweeted out a picture of her view of Mar-a-lago, and Bloomberg journalist Jennifer Jacobs also tweeted an image of the plastic-covered windows:"

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "A congressman just invoked a forgotten 1924 rule to expose L'Orange's taxes." And: "Despite all of his many promises to do so, President L'Orange has still not released his tax returns to the public. He’s offered a litany of excuses along the way before finally conceding he’ll never release them, having his mouthpiece K.A. Conwoman announce that 'people don’t care' about his tax returns."

"In fact, the vast majority of the American people – 74% of us – want to see L'Orange's tax returns, and one Democratic congressman thinks he’s found a way to force the issue."

"Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) has dug up an archaic 1924 tax rule that allows Congress to examine the tax returns of anyone, including the President, in order to determine if there are any conflicts of interest that need to be addressed."

Andrew Sullivan writes for New York Magazine: "The Madness of King L'Orange." And: "With someone like this barging into your consciousness every hour of every day, you begin to get a glimpse of what it must be like to live in an autocracy of some kind. Every day in countries unfortunate enough to be ruled by a lone dictator, people are constantly subjected to the Supreme Leader’s presence, in their homes, in their workplaces, as they walk down the street. Big Brother never leaves you alone. His face bears down on you on every flickering screen. He begins to permeate your psyche and soul; he dominates every news cycle and issues pronouncements — each one shocking and destabilizing — round the clock. He delights in constantly provoking and surprising you, so that his monstrous ego can be perennially fed. And because he is also mentally unstable, forever lashing out in manic spasms of pain and anger, you live each day with some measure of trepidation. What will he come out with next? Somehow, he is never in control of himself and yet he is always in control of you."

Nathan Wellman writes for U.S. Uncut: "Anti-abortion protesters rally to defund Planned Parenthood -- but they weren't expecting what happened next." And: "Around 250 to 500 anti-abortion protesters gathered outside Planned Parenthood’s regional St. Paul headquarters today – only to be completely dwarfed by upwards of 5,500 pro-choice counter-protesters."

Lou Colagiovanni writes for Occupy Democrats: "The Federal Election Commission just called L'Orange out on his bullsh*t." And: "There have been numerous other incidents where L'Orange has attempted to assert to his supporters, colleagues, and members of the media that voter fraud on a massive scale transpired. He even went so far as to announce a massive investigation into the fake scandal, with his lapdog Vice President M.P. leading the fruitless charge. Much to the delight of individuals in favor of logic and rationality Commissioner Ellen Weintraub dropped the hammer on L'Orange with a brutal statement. She, in part, said: 'I therefore call upon President L'Orange to immediately share his evidence with the public and with the appropriate law-enforcement authorities so that his allegations may be investigated promptly and thoroughly.'"

Christine Branch writes for Occupy Democrats: "Two of America's biggest retailers just dumped L'Orange products." And: "President L'Orange, a self-important and supposedly ‘tremendous’ businessman, is in for a rude awakening. Two retail giants, Kmart and Sears, have dropped the president’s shoddy goods, citing poor sales. People do not want to be associated with anything bearing a L'Orange name, as our national embarrassment-in-chief continues his mission to wreck the country with his ill-informed, bigoted, and self-interested agenda."

James Devinne writes for Occupy Democrats: "Experts on Authoritarianism just weighed in on 'Dictator' L'Orange." And: "As Overlord L'Orange moves to expand his authority, reduce the rights of the judiciary, and hand frightening amounts of power to the white nationalist Sssss Ban'em, experts on authoritarianism are increasingly worried by the dictatorial trends in the White House, particularly among the extreme right-wing of the administration that Ban'em leads."

 Think Progress recently conducted a series of interviews on L'Orange with a number of top academics in the field, and their answers as to what’s happening in Washington are frightening to say the least."
"One of the most important takeaways from the first three weeks of the L'Orange administration, in these experts’ minds, is the fact that L'Orange has not moderated the outrageous populist propaganda of his campaign for the immensely more demanding job of President of the most powerful country on the planet."

And lastly:

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