Friday, February 24, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #34

From Thursday, February 23rd:

Domenico Montanaro writes for NPR: "White Nationalist Richard Spencer kicked out of CPAC." And: "Richard Spencer, a white nationalist, was kicked out of the hotel where the Conservative Political Action Conference is taking place, a CPAC spokesman confirmed to NPR."

"Spencer was spotted in the lobby of the Gaylord National Resort outside Washington, D.C., talking with reporters. That's when CPAC officials were alerted to Spencer's presence."

"'His views are repugnant and have absolutely nothing to do with conservatism or what we do here,'" said CPAC spokesman Ian Walters."

April Lavalle writes for Some News: "Witches worldwide are planning to cast a spell on Overlord L'Orange on February 24th. Here's how to join them." And: "Want to cast a spell on Overlord L'Orange?"

"A document detailing how to cast a spell that would bind L'Orange to all who abet him has been circulating the web in both private and public witchcraft groups, and even those who don't regularly practice the craft are seizing the opportunity to use magic to stop the President. There have been marches, petitions, and demonstrations against the Overlord, but this is definitely the most magical way to resist."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "Militarized police just evicted the Sioux tribe from Standing Rock at gunpoint." And: "Federal authorities have begun their raid to evict the water protectors from the Oceti Sakowin camp, and the images coming out of the protest site are extremely disturbing."

"History is repeating itself as heavily militarized United States law enforcement storm Native American treaty land to run them off- only this time they’re riding in Humvees and not on horses."

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "The Admiral who led the Bin Laden raid just gave L'Orange the perfect label." And: "On Tuesday retired Navy Admiral Will McRaven, now system chancellor at the University of Texas, was speaking at the university’s communications college during the Leadership Speaker Series. He praised the work of the press as important and necessary so that people in powerful positions can be held to account."

"We must challenge this statement and this sentiment that the news media is the enemy of the American people. This sentiment may be the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "New evidence just implicated L'Orange team in another blackmail scandal." And: "President L'Orange's former campaign manager Paul Manafort has made headlines again after an alleged cyber attack appears to prove that he has been compromised by Ukrainian or Russian blackmail. Newly released text messages sent to Manafort’s daughter indicate that the L'Orange campaign was being blackmailed by multiple sources that all likely are directed from the Kremlin.."

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "The NYPD commissioner just revealed L'Orange's huge security bill." And: "Despite L'Orange having moved into the White House, his wife Melania and their son Barron remain in Manhattan and will require close protection until they decide to move to Washington D.C. O’Neill estimates that this will cost between $127,000 and $146,000 a day. This is on top of an additional annual $4.5 million in expenses for New York’s Fire Department in relation to the L'Orange residence. These costs will 'increase significantly' if the president decides to visit his family in New York."

Brett Bose writes for Occupy Democrats: "This U.S. city just voted unanimously to impeach L'Orange." And: "Richmond is officially the first city in the United States to support impeachment hearings for L'Orange. The City Council acknowledged in its minutes how unusual it was for a city to support a president’s impeachment after less than 100 days in office, but despite this, the vote was unanimously in favor of impeachment."

Lou Colagiovanni writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange's deportation force just yanked girl with brain tumor from hospital." And:"After the woman was transported from ICE’s Prairieland Detention Center in Alvarado, Texas to a local hospital to receive treatment, ICE agents just removed the woman from the hospital in chains. L'Orange and his sycophants are undoubtedly rejoicing in the suffering of a dying undocumented immigrant."

Natalie Dickinson writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange's inauguration singer just turned on him with this demand." And: "Evancho’s sister Juliet is transgender, and L'Orange's decision to repeal the guidance has deeply upset the both of them. Evancho took to Twitter tonight to beg the President to give her the honor of meeting with her sister so they might explain just why this is such a hurtful decision."

Gabby Kaufman writes for Yahoo News: "K.A. Conwoman touts 'conservative feminism' at CPAC." And: "She also said she shunned the label of feminist in the 'classic sense,' because of the political ramifications, calling it 'very anti-male and certainly is very pro-abortion.'”

Lou Colagiovanni writes for Occupy Democrats: "Arizona Republicans just voted to make ALL protests illegal." And: "Freedom of speech is going to be a relic of antiquity inside L'Orange's new America as Republican legislators in Arizona have moved to criminalize protest before said protests actually happen. Individuals who plan a protest may be arrested under the proposed legislation and even worse law enforcement will have the ability to seize the property of the accused before the accused are even found guilty. Not that planning a protest is anything with which one should be found guilty in the first place as the First Amendment has codified in law the right for individuals in the United States to assemble to share their grievances."

Natalie Dickinson writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just said deportations are a military operation. This General's response is perfect." And: "Today, Overlord L'Orange publicly referred to his aggressive deportation program as a 'military operation,' despite the military having nothing to do with immigration policy or enforcement. Humiliatingly for L'Orange, the Homeland Security Secretary felt compelled to publicly call out L'Orange on his latest lie, refusing to let his agency be implicated in L'Orange's idiocy."

"General John Kelly made clear in his remarks in Mexico that the president is wrong. Kelly told his audience, 'There will be no use of military forces in immigration. There will be no – repeat, no – mass deportations.'”

"He continued, 'Everything we do in [Department of Homeland Security] will be done legally and according to human rights and the legal justice system of the United States.'”

Jamie Green writes for Resistance Report: "Steve Bannon just revealed L'Orange's entire agenda at CPAC and everyone missed it." And: "...However, coverage of Bannon’s CPAC speech mainly focused on Bannon characterizing the news media as 'the opposition party' and encouraging everyone listening to distrust anything negative the media reported about L'Orange."

“'If you look at the opposition party and how they portrayed the campaign and how they portrayed the transition and how they portray the administration, it’s always wrong,' Bannon said."

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, who shared the stage with Bannon, condoned Bannon’s comments about the media and gave some of his own, telling CPAC attendees to disavow 'everything that you’re reading' about stories of turmoil inside the White House."

“'Just like they were dead wrong on the chaos of the campaign and just like they were dead wrong on the chaos of the transition, they are absolutely dead wrong on what they’re reporting today,' Bannon added."

And lastly:

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