Friday, February 10, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #21

Still trying to catch my breath. No rest for the wicked.

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "It begins: L'Orange's deportation squads just arrested hundreds in six states." And: "The worst fears of many living in the United States has now become a reality. Acting on orders from the White House, deportation squads in six states arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants."

"While they were ostensibly only targeting those with 'criminal records,' many innocent and hard-working people were swept up in the first wave of large-scale raids in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, the Los Angeles area, North Carolina and South Carolina. Smaller raids took place in Florida, Kansas, Texas and Northern Virginia."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "Concerned children just filed a landmark lawsuit against L'Orange." And: "In the first eleven days of his presidency, Overlord L'Orange was named in an astounding forty-two federal lawsuits. Now he has yet another suit to add to the pile: a group of children and young adults, along with renowned climate scientist Dr. James E. Hansen, are suing him over the devastating effects that climate change will have on their futures."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "Betsy DeVacant just tried to visit a public school, and it blew up in her face." And: "This morning, new Education Secretary Betsy DeVacant attempted to visit Jefferson Middle School in Washington D.C. in what might have been one of her first interactions with a public school. However, as she approached the door DeVacant found herself physically blocked by protesters, many of them parents who are appalled by her proposed policies that look poised to destroy public school education."

Dan Arel writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange's National Security Advisor was just busted lying about secret Russia calls." And: "National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, insists that when he met with Russia’s Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, one month before the election, they did not talk about the current sanctions imposed against Russia."

"Flynn’s insistence that the sanctions were not discussed was also corroborated by M.P. and other officials inside the L'Orange administration. However, according to The Washington Post, these claims are untrue."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange aides: L'Orange is miserable, frustrated and ignorant of basic policy matters." And: "President L'Orange's first few weeks in office can only be characterized as tumultuous at best; the words 'dumpster fire' and 'train wreck' immediately spring to mind."

"A torrent of leaks from White House staffers paint a picture of chaos and instability in the Oval Office as an increasingly unhinged President L'Orange, finally facing adversity for the first time in his life, is incapable of understanding why everything isn’t falling into place at his very whim and rides 'a rollercoaster between anger and frustration.'”

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just embarrassed himself and our nation in first press conference with foreign leader." And: "After an excruciatingly awkward 20-second handshake, punctuated by L'Orange announcing that Abe had 'strong hands,' the two took to podiums to hold a press conference. where L'Orange forgot to put his translating earpiece in and therefore had absolutely no idea what his counterpart was saying."

"It should also be noted that L'Orange only accepted questions from reporters working for outlets owned by conservative oligarch Rupert Murdoch."

"After the conference, L'Orange and Abe are jetting off to L'Orange's Florida mansion, Mar-a-Lago, for a weekend of golf and relaxation on the taxpayer dime. It will be the second weekend in a row he will be going on vacation."

John Harper writes for Occupy Democrats: "House Republicans just filed a bill to kill the EPA, repeal clean air rules." And: "Say goodbye to clean rivers, accessible wilderness, birds and bees. Republicans in Congress are now prepared to return the United States to the 1960s heyday of environmental pollution, before the Cuyahoga River caught on fire and the Environmental Protection Agency was formed."

"Thank Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) for the favor. Mr. Johnson’s legislation would shutter every single regional E.P.A. office and cut the agency’s funding by $7.5 billion, The Hill reports. While the law stops short of actually eliminating the E.P.A., as some Republicans have proposed, it essentially renders the agency a hollow shell. Without regional offices, the agency would struggle to carry out any enforcement action. With remaining budget being just around a billion dollars, the vast majority of their climate change programs would be forced to close."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "CNN just dropped another HUGE L'Orange-Russia blackmail bombshell." And: "CNN has just announced that intelligence officials have confirmed some of the details contained in the now-infamous 'Pissgate' dossier which indicates that the Russian government has kompromat – compromising information – with which they are blackmailing President L'Orange."

"If the dossier turns out to be true, the existence of the video and audio tapes would go a long way towards explaining why President L'Orange has been so friendly to the Kremlin and why the Kremlin went to such lengths to get him elected, including hacking the emails of Democratic Party officials and waging an online disinformation campaign."

And lastly:

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