Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #19

I've thought to myself, "Self, do you think it will be difficult to come up with something to post about politically every day?"

The answer so far, is: "No. It will be extremely easy. The material literally writes itself."

The last twenty-four hours: Joel Rose, Hansi Lo Wang and Camila Somonoske write for NPR: "5 questions after hearing the oral arguments over L'Orange's travel ban." And: "How many Muslims would be affected by the travel ban? (And does it matter?)" "What rights do noncitizens have under the U.S. Constitution?" "What are the limits of presidential power?" "What proof is there that L'Orange's travel ban is motivated by concerns over terrorism — and what evidence that it's meant to block Muslims?" " What might happen next?"

A video was posted on YouTube of a cat who is shown pictures on a Smart Phone of Hilary Clinton with no reaction. Bernie Sanders: no reaction. Overlord L'Orange: the cat starts hissing at him, and strikes the screen with her paw, before scampering away from his evil face. The word on the street is that animals can sense 'energies' much more easily than people can.

Impeach Overlord L'Orange Now shared a video: "BREAKING NEWS: Congressman Mark Pocan of Wisconsin becomes the first Member of Congress to speak on the floor of the US House of Representatives about the potential for impeaching L'Orange. Join us at and help us continue to build this campaign!"

Elyse Wanshel writes for Huffington Post: "Coretta Scott King's letter to be blasted into McConnell's home with bullhorn." And: "The impromptu protest comes as a response to McConnell invoking a rarely used rule to silence Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as she read King’s letter on the Senate floor Tuesday night. King, the widow of Martin Luther King Jr. and a civil rights activist, wrote the letter in 1986 to voice her concerns about why Sessions’ record on voting rights and other issues made him unfit to be a judge."

Jonathan O'Connell writes for The Washington Post: "Third lien on L'Orange hotel brings alleged unpaid bills to over five million dollars." And: "The AES filing brings the total of allegedly unpaid bills on the hotel to more than $5 million. Washington-area plumbing firm Joseph J. Magnolia Inc. and Northern Virginia construction company, A&D Construction, are seeking $2.98 million and $79,700 respectively."

"We’re not in this for any sort of political reasons,” Miller said. “We have no ax to grind, political or otherwise. We’re a business. We have 700 employees that we pay every week. We have bills. We are effectively financing this work, and we don’t think it’s right. That’s really it.”

John Harper writes for Occupy Democrats: "A Bipartisan group just moved to block L'Orange from repealing Russian Sanctions" And: "Some Republicans and Democrats agree that President L'Orange cannot be trusted when it comes to relations with the Russian Federation. Given the president’s suspicious relationship with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s government, a bipartisan group in Congress is proposing legislation that would take away Mr. L'Orange's ability to unilaterally alter sanctions."

"Republican Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Democrats Ben Cardin, Claire McCaskill and Sherrod Brown in proposing the Russian Sanctions Review Act, The Hill reported Wednesday. The new law, if passed, would require President L'Orange to consult Congress before changing outstanding sanctions on Russia."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "Spice-her blasted McCain for criticizing L'Orange's SEAL raid. McCain's response is perfect." And: "Overlord L'Orange's use of our veterans and their sacrifices as political shields while disrespecting and demeaning the risks they take by not even bothering to be in the Situation Room as they were engaged in a ferocious hour-long firefight with terrorists is a truly repulsive hypocrisy and is just more evidence that he is a disgrace to our flag and to the office he supposedly holds."

Zach Cartwright writes for U.S. Uncut: "L'Orange's own Supreme Court pick just publicly admonished him." And: "Even Neal Gorsuch, whom L'Orange appointed to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, thinks Trump’s attacks on the judicial branch go too far."

"Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), who met with Gorsuch’s spokesman on Wednesday afternoon, told reporters after the meeting that, when asked about President L'Orange's repeated attacks against the federal judge who overturned his immigration order, Gorsuch said the attacks were “disheartening” and “demoralizing.” CNN reporters Ashley Killough and Jeremy Diamond both relayed Sen. Blumenthal’s words on Twitter."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange attacked Nordstrom for cutting Iwanta's line, so Nordstrom just shut him up." And: "This morning, our so-called President grew bored during his intelligence briefings and decided to use his official government Twitter account to chastise the luxury department store for dropping his daughter’s fashion brand, which was already under fire for plagiarizing designs from real artists."

Dan Arel writes for Occupy Democrats: "Sssss Spice-her just invented another fake terrorist attack to justify L'Orange's Muslim ban." And: "Press Secretary Sssss Spice-her is jumping on the K.A. Conwoman bandwagon of inventing terrorist attacks to defend president L'Orange's Muslim ban and foster the atmosphere of Islamophobia needed to whittle away our civil liberties."

"Following Conway’s remarks about the nonexistent 'Bowling Green Massacre', Spice-her is continuing to reference Atlanta, along with San Bernardino and Boston, as one of three U.S. cities involved in terrorist attacks carried about by Islamic extremists."

"Boston and San Bernardino alone don’t do anything to help Spice-her's argument as while both were inspired by Islamic extremists, none of those involved are foreign nationals from the seven countries in Trump’s executive order. They were all naturalized or second generation, American citizens."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "Guess what L'Orange was supposed to be doing when he was Tweeting about Iwanta and Nordstrom?" And: "While Overlord L'Orange was supposed to be receiving his daily intelligence briefing and discussing, say, the fact that the country of Yemen has now banned the United States from counterterrorism operations in their country because L'Orange's first raid killed thirty innocent people, including ten children, L'Orange was busy attacking a company for dropping his daughter’s products."

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "McConnell mansplained why he silenced Warren. Women on Twitter responded perfectly." And: "Harvard professor turned Senator (D-Mass.), Elizabeth Warren is a well-established progressive icon. She has spent her career as a politician fighting for economic justice, civil rights for women and minorities, and environmentalism. Now Warren has become an overnight feminist symbol of resistance in the face of old crotchety white male opposition."

"...In other words, they claimed that it is against the rules for Warren to criticize Sessions during a hearing about whether or not Sessions is fit to be Attorney General. Warren was not only prevented from reading Coretta Scott King’s entire letter, she was banned from speaking for the rest of Sessions’ confirmation hearing."

"Senate majority leader Mitch McConell explained, “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”

"Warren explained the dehumanizing effect of the Republican Senators’ actions. 'I literally can’t be recognized on the floor of the Senate. I have become a nonperson during the discussion of Jeff Sessions.' This is compounded by the fact that two male Democratic senators were allowed to read the offending letter last night after Warren was silenced."

"The fight is not over, but Warren’s resilience is inspiring; and in the age of social media, any attempts to silence a powerful woman only serve to amplify her voice across the globe."

And lastly, Coretta Scott King's letter:

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