Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #26

Marisa Manfredo writes for Occupy Democrats: "New York Times just dropped a bombshell that should lead directly to L'Orange's impeachment." And: "Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Overlord L'Orange's 2016 presidential campaign and other L'Orange associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.”

"If there was ever a doubt about whether L'Orange is a Kremlin puppet, the information just obtained by the Times obliterates it. L'Orange is surrounded by people with sketchy links to Russia that American intelligence services are wary of. Whether he realizes it or not, L'Orange is not working for America anymore – he works for Russia. That a foreign power aided a candidate in winning the presidency represents an unprecedented attack on American democracy. Let the impeachment hearings begin."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "A Republican just tried to tell CNN's Cuomo to 'Move On' from Flynn." And: "The efforts of the greater Republican Party to excuse, look the other way or otherwise sweep under the rug the rapidly expanding L'Orange-Russia-Flynn scandal are utterly reprehensible, if not surprising."

"Congressional Republicans have proved long before that they are morally vacant ideological frauds for whom the most heinous of hypocrisies come as easily as breathing, but the abandonment of three decades of table-pounding hyperpatriotic obsession with national security at the drop of a hat is low, even for them."

"That much was made clear today when Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) spoke to Chris Cuomo on CNN’s New Day program. 'Gen. Flynn did what he thought was in the best interest of the country. I certainly respect that and I think it’s just time to move on' said Collins."

David Edwards writes for Raw Story: "'He will die in jail': intelligence community ready to 'go nuclear' on L'Orange, senior source says." And: "U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to 'go nuclear' after President L'Orange's latest attack on the intelligence community."

"In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, L'Orange insisted that the 'real scandal' was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were 'un-American' leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting."

Occupy Democrats shared a video: "CNN schools L'Orange: we report facts on your many scandals. You're Fake News."

Leonard Pitts Jr. writes for Miami Herald: "Mr. President: just who the Hell do you think you are?" And: "You see, you’re no longer an emperor, Mr. So-Called President. You’re now what is called a 'public servant' — in effect, an employee with 324 million bosses. And let me tell you something about those bosses. They’re unruly and loud, long accustomed to speaking their minds without fear or fetter. And they believe power must always answer to the people. That’s at the core of their identity."

"Yet you and your coterie of cartoon autocrats think you’re going to cow them into silence and compliance by ordering them to shut up and obey? Well, as a freeborn American, I can answer that in two syllables flat."

"Hell no."

And lastly:

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