Sunday, February 26, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #36

From Saturday, February 25th:

Grant Stern writes for Occupy Democrats: "Every news outlet that L'Orange banned has one thing in common." And: "Overlord L'Orange just censored a wide swath of major mainstream news outlets – and they have one obvious thing in common: they are all investigating or actively reporting on the President and his administration’s ties to Russia."

Dan Arel writes for Occupy Democrats: "The man who helped Nixon cover up Watergate just made a strong accusation against L'Orange." And: "There is no doubt in the mind of John Dean, White House counsel for former President Richard Nixon, that when it comes to the Overlord's Russia scandal, the White House is orchestrating a massive cover-up. He should know – he served eight years in prison for his role in Watergate."

Lou Colagiovanni writes for Occupy Democrats: "Intel officials just revealed L'Orange begged them to bury Russian scandal after F.B.I. denied him." And: "President L'Orange and his lackeys are desperately working overtime to conceal their connections to agents of the Russian Federation. In their clumsy attempts to evade justice, all they have succeeded in doing is shining the spotlight upon themselves even brighter."

"It has been revealed that the latest revelation into the administration’s potentially treasonous activities is they actively lobbied for members of the intelligence community to refute media reports of L'Orange's Russian connections. After the FBI refused to play patsy, the L'Orange camp began begging anyone in the intelligence community who would listen to downplay the validity of the damning leaks and discredit the media reports."

And lastly:

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