Monday, February 6, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #17

I started school again today...hoping it won't slow me down in keeping up with all these political shenanigans.

Today's news: Grant Stern writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just threatened to defund the state of California." And: "L'Orange's blundering and thoughtless actions are going create yet another constitutional crisis as he fights the behemoth state of California, who is one of the least dependent on federal aid. If California’s plan to become a sanctuary state becomes a reality, the President’s misguided executive order will have had the entirely opposite of the intended effect and will place the feds forever on the wrong side of the law in one of America’s major border states."

Colin Taylor writes for Occupy Democrats: "L'Orange just threw a fit over last night's New York Times Bombshell." And: "Last night, the New York Times published a heavily sourced and highly embarrassing profile of President L'Orange's first two weeks in office. The detailed and extensive piece paints a picture of a White House in complete disarray as incompetent ideologues bicker behind the scenes while L'Orange watches FOX News and obsesses over his poll numbers."

Jon Stone writes for Independent: "Overlord L'Orange will not be welcome to address Parliament on his state visit to the UK because of his racist and sexist attitudes, the Speaker of the House of Commons has said in a major snub to the American president."

Nathan Wellman writes for U.S. Uncut: "L'Orange just briefed top military leaders on a totally insane conspiracy theory." And: "Apparently in this new era of alternative facts, the fact checkers have become America’s greatest enemy. President L'Orange's ongoing war against the media escalated today, when he suggested that the press was maliciously covering up terrorist attacks in foreign countries to make him look bad."

And lastly, there is a video circulating of S.S. Spice-her saying: "Just the other day (L'Orange) sat down with Martin Luther King Jr. I would call him a civil rights leader." Ummm...he's been dead for quite some time now.

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