Saturday, February 4, 2017

Overlord L'Orange: Observations of an Average Citizen, Installment #15

The last twenty-four hours: The Overlord Tweeted at 5:12 AM, "The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned."

Lou Colagiovanni writes for Occupy Democrats: "CNN just did to K.A. Conwoman what no other network has dared to do." And: "Vice President M.P. agreed to appear Sunday on CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC. He, however, would not appear on CNN in an apparent slap in the face to the network. After M.P. declined, the White House offered to send L'Orange's senior adviser, K.A. Conwoman, to appear instead. CNN said thanks, but no thanks."

Lou Colagiovanni writes for Occupy Democrats: "Eight different European countries just made these L'Orange parody videos." And: "Most of the population of the world watched in abject horror as Overlord L'Orange was inaugurated. After the shock wore off, many nations began their resistance against L'Orange by using satirical videos to expose how absurd of a political figure he truly is, and they did so with hilarious results."

Grant Stern writes for Occupy Democrats: "K.A. Conwoman just got trolled by 'The Bowling Green Massacre Victim's Fund.'" And: "In response, ACLU just started 'The Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund' in response to Conwoman's gaslighting remarks, and the site directs people to help all of those who are victims of Conwoman's gaslighting (most Americans who read the news today) to donate to their organization, who goes to bat seeking justice for all Americans facing government oppression."

Colin Taylor writes for Verified Politics: "Federal judge James Robart of the Western Washington District Court has just issued a temporary restraining order stopping the enforcement of President L'Orange's immigration ban targeting citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations."

The New York Times posted a live video with this headline: "We’re in front of The Stonewall Inn in NYC, where some members of the LGBTQ community are standing against President L'Orange and his administration."

Tom Cahill writes for U.S. Uncut: "An investigation by the Associated Press (AP) confirmed that President L'Orange never separated himself from his multiple business enterprises." And: "In documents published by muckraking site ProPublica, President L'Orange is listed as the sole beneficiary of the L'Orange Revocable Trust, which is tied to his own Social Security number and his personal tax ID number. In the January 27 letter to the Washington liquor board, the trustees are L'Orange Jr., L'Orange's eldest son, and L'Orange Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg."

Christopher Hooton writes for Independent: "L'Orange admits to curbing Wall Street regulations to help his 'friends'."

Robert Reich writes: "In my fifty years in and around administrations, I’ve never seen as many leaks coming out of a White House – especially so many that are unflattering toward a president, by the people around him." And: "The reason seems obvious: Some of the people around Trump are horrified by what he’s doing and who he is. They see him as a dangerous, petulant child who has to be managed. And they know they can’t manage him by themselves. They need the media and the public to help. Hence, the leaks."

Melissa McCarthy portrayed S.S. Spice-her on Saturday Night Live and it was freaking hilarious! I watched it three times.

Alec Baldwin portrayed L'Orange on Saturday Night Live again, and it was funny, as always. Alec Baldwin is an amazing, brave man.

Too tired to comment on any of this...exhausted.

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